听力万花筒 第247期:麦当劳内网告诫自家员工少吃快餐更健康
日期:2014-01-01 20:25


McDonald's website: Fast food unhealthy

On an internal website, McDonald's tells employees that fast food is an "unhealthy choice." CNN's Allison Kosik reports.

An internal McDonald's website that offers information to its employees is catching heat again. This time, it is basically telling its employees to stay away from fast food, saying fast food is typically high in calories, fat, saturated fat, sugar and staff that puts people at risks of becoming overweight. There's even a picture of an unhealthy choice versus a health choice and McDonald's very own stable foods are on the unhealthy category meaning the burgar, the fries and the sodar. Besides, it also gives some tips of how to eat healthy at a fast food restaurant. In a statement, McDonald says portions of this website continue to be taken entirely out of context. Its website provides useful information from respective serve parties meaning outside company about many topics. And McDonald says it agrees with this advice. But this isn't the first time the website has got people talking. In other installments, there's been a financial planning guide which allotted just 20 dollars for healthy insurance and no money for food. Its advice for getting out of holiday deck, including getting a second job, and it even offers a holiday edicate guide on what it tips the cowboy be repaired and the meshoots. That left many thinking that McDonald is out of touch with its employees since most make them a wage.

  • internaladj. 国内的,内在的,身体内部的
  • insurancen. 保险,保险费,安全措施
  • saturatedadj. 饱和的,渗透的,深颜色的
  • categoryn. 种类,类别
  • statementn. 声明,陈述
  • stableadj. 稳定的,安定的,可靠的 n. 马厩,马棚,一批
  • contextn. 上下文,环境,背景
  • unhealthyadj. 不健康的,不卫生的,病态的,危险的