日期:2013-12-29 19:11



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) Resse likes jelly babies and _____ .

a) chocolate

b) ice cream

2) What is Tlotlo's favorite pizza?

a) Pepperoni

b) Bacon

3) Resse's favorite pizza is ______ .

a) cheese and tomato

b) chicken and mushroom


Topic:What junk food do you like to eat?

Tlotlo: Hi, my name is Tlotlo, I'm from Botswana.

Reese: And I'm Reese and I'm from Botswana as well.

Tlotlo: OK, we are going to talk about what junk food do you like to eat?

Reese: I think my favorite is chocolate. I'll buy one chocolate and maybe jelly babies. I really love (....) stuff.

Tlotlo: It's going to be pizza for me. I love pizza. I can just live...

Reese: What kind of pizza?

Tlotlo: Oh, gosh, I have so many different types that I like but for now I think I'll settle for bacon.

Reese: My favorite is chicken and mushroom.

Tlotlo: Too simple for me. Basically that's about it.


a b b

  • mushroomn. 蘑菇,菌菇状物,暴发户 vi. 扩张,迅速增加,采
  • junkn. 垃圾,废旧杂物,中国平底帆船 vt. 丢弃
  • settlev. 安顿,解决,定居 n. 有背的长凳