看美剧卡片学习地道俚语 第7期:Out of the blue 突然
日期:2013-12-25 08:35


Out of the blue 突然

对于blue这个词,大家一定是再熟悉不过的。除了蓝色,它还表示“忧伤”,我们熟悉的音乐类型蓝调,也是由此而来。那么,out of the blue是什么意思呢?当然,如果你说它表示“走出忧伤”,没有问题,有一首英文歌歌名儿就叫out of the blue,走出忧伤。不过,这个短语最广泛应用的意思是“突然地;意外地”。

表示“突然”的单词或短语非常多,比如单词suddenly; abruptly; unexpectedly; 短语all at once; all of a sudden等等。Out of the blue在口语中应用也非常广泛,我们还通过几个例子了解一下它的具体用法。

A: Have you heard Tony, the guy who was crazy about Alice, had married a rich girl last week.


B: Wow. He sang love songs outside Alice’s window last month. There are so many things out of the blue in our life.



Unexpected events on cases do not happen out of the blue.

不可预料的事件不会“突如其来”的发生。总有迹象给循,只是我们没有注意到而已。我们再来看几个句子。The job offer came out of the blue, and I had to make a choice immediately.


Things are never as bad as we think they are; and miracles happen out of the blue when there is a smile on our face.


  • unexpectedlyadv. 未料到地,意外地
  • abruptlyadv. 突然地,莽撞地,陡峭地,不连贯地
  • unexpectedadj. 想不到的,意外的