UNICEF is joining with a nonprofit group to bring AIDS prevention programmes to more women and children in five countries.
联合国儿童基金会正在与一个非营利性组织合作,为五个国家的妇女和儿童提供艾滋病预防项目 。
UNICEF(United's Nations Children Fund) will work with Family Health International.
儿童基金会(联合国儿童基金会)将与家庭健康国际组织合作 。
The new partnership will be established at first in Guyana, India, Malawi, Nigeria and Zambia.
新的合作关系将首先建立在圭亚那、印度、马拉维、尼日利亚和赞比亚 。
One of the goals is to improve care for babies infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.
其中一个目标是改善对感染艾滋病毒(人类免疫缺陷病毒)的婴儿的护理 。
Another is to prevent the spread of HIV from mother to child.
另一个是防止艾滋病毒从母体传播到婴儿 。
Activities will depend on the needs of each country.
具体活动将取决于每个国家的需要 。
In some cases, anti AIDS drugs will be provided to infected parents or children.
在某些情况下,活动将向感染病毒的父母或儿童提供抗艾滋病的药物 。
Women and children living in rural communities will receive most of the services.
生活在农村社区的妇女和儿童将得到大部分服务 。
Both UNICEF and Family Health International will expand their partnership into more countries in the future.
联合国儿童基金会和家庭健康国际组织今后会将合作伙伴关系扩大到更多的国家 。
Family Health international has been working on public health issues since 1971.
家庭健康国际组织自1971年以来一直致力于公共健康问题 。
The organization is based in North Carolina and has programs in 70 countries.
该组织总部设在北卡罗来纳州,在70个国家设有分支机构 。
It does research on infectious diseases and reproductive health, and also provides services.
该组织研究传染病和生殖健康,并提供服务 。
Experts say an important part of fighting AIDS is political will.
专家说,抗击艾滋病的一个重要部分是政治意愿 。
One example they point to is Cambodia.
他们举的一个例子是柬埔寨 。
That country has been getting attention for its progress in reducing some of the highest infection rates in Asia.
这个国家降低了亚洲一些高感染率疾病的感染率,取得的进展引起了人们的关注 。
Experts praise the government for supporting public education efforts and programmes.
专家们对政府支持公共教育的努力和计划表示赞赏 。