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日期:2013-11-14 08:38






Throughout art, literature, and science, creativity and originality are qualities coveted above all others when creating new work. The definition of creativity and originality, however, are not precisely clear and therefore left up to debate. Because the creativity and originality of a work itself is conducted through the comparison to previous or contemporary works in similar fields, one can argue that the creativity of a work cannot be determined without comparison to other works. Therefore, one can argue that one has to learn from others before creating words of one’s own, although the learning process itself is not necessarily imitation, but the development of a thorough sense of understanding that allows for the future creations of originality and ingenuity.

In science, new theories and theorems are developed based on experiments, hypothesis and data proposed and connected by previous and contemporary scientists, Sir Isacc Newton once made the famous remark, stating that he has pushed scientific development so much further through his laws of motion, theory of gravitation and methods of calculus, because he was “Standing on the shoulder of giants.” He was referring to one scientists such as Copernicus and Galileo, without whose daring and ingenious hypothesis, as well as comprehensive data and analysis obtained through hours of observation. Newton, however, did not form his new theories by simply repeating what great men before him had done before. He thoroughly studies the works of previous, as well as contemporary scientists, and understood completely the logic and flaws of their works. It is with this solid foundation of knowledge learned from others that he developed his own work, Newton portrays an ideal example of ingenuity from experience and understood that goes well beyond imitation.

Another examples of how creativity is based on knowledge of previous generations but spawned by contemporary aesthetics and needs that requires far more than imitation can be found in architecture..The Gothic cathedrals of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries still dominate the landscapes of major European cities, and their designs and executions are developed to suit the needs of that era based on previous knowledge. The architectural before the Gothic, the Romanesque, revived much of the architectural works of classical Greece and Rome. During the Gothic era, however, new needs and aesthetics developed, and the thick walls and small windows of Romanesque buildings were no longer ideal. Instead, Gothic masons incorporated new mathematical concepts, such as the Golden Ratio, into an updated version of Romanesque design, resulting in not only the famous pointed arches ,but also soaring bell towers and enchanting Rose windows that filled the interior with tints of heavenly light, just as the artisans of Gothic Europe envisioned.

In conclusion, creativity and originality have to be based upon the works of predecessors and contemporaries. To be truly creative, however, one must move beyond imitation, and develop something truly new that reflect both a thorough understanding of what came before, as well as contemporary aesthetic and needs.


  • ingeniousadj. 机灵的,精制的,有独创性的
  • hypothesisn. 假设,猜测,前提
  • analysisn. 分析,解析
  • debaten. 辩论,讨论 vt. 争论,思考 vi. 商讨,辩论
  • previousadj. 在 ... 之前,先,前,以前的
  • shouldern. 肩膀,肩部 v. 扛,肩负,承担,(用肩)推挤
  • aestheticadj. 美学的,审美的,有美感的 n. (复数)审美观
  • imitationn. 模仿,效法 adj. 假造的,冒充的
  • ingenuityn. 智巧,创造力,精巧的设计
  • foundationn. 基础,根据,建立 n. 粉底霜,基金会