日期:2013-10-21 17:39



第一节 (共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 每段材料读一遍
1、 How will the man go to Chicago?
A. By bus B. By plane C. By car
2 、At what time must the man be at the airport for the flight?
A. 2:50 p.m B. 2:15 p.m C. 3:50 p.m
3 、How many marks did John get in the TOEFL test?
A. 650 B. 605 C. 537
4、 What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?
A. Teacher and student B. Husband and wife
C. Doctor and patient
5 、Where does the conversation most probably take place?
A .In a school B. In a library C. In a hospital
第二节 (共12小题,每小题1.5分,满分18分) 每段材料读两遍
6 、Who will get married on Sunday?
A .The woman’ friend B. The man’s friend C. The woman
7 、where does the paintings probably come from?
A .Japan B. France C. America
8、 What will the man do for the woman?
A. Buying Some pictures B. Taking pictures of her friend C. Taking pictures of the painting
9 、What is the man?
A. A farmer B. A salesman C. A scientist
10 、Where does this conversation most probably take place?
A. On a train B. On a bus C. On a plane
11、Why is the woman traveling?
A. Because she is traveling on holiday
B. Because she is traveling on business
C. Because she is traveling to give a lecture
12、 What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?
A. Teacher and student B. Job-hunter and interviewer
C. Brother and sister
13 、What foreign languages can the woman speak?
A. German, French and Spanish B. English, Russian and German
C. Japanese, French and Spanish
14 、What does the company deal with?
A. Language teaching B. Foreign trade C. International exchange
15、 The first time the man talked with a foreigner in English, he felt _____.
A. nervous B. eager C. excited
16、 The man worried that _______.
A. he spoke English with a strong local accent
B. he might not be able to express himself clearly
C. he might make a lot of mistakes
17、 What do you think of the man the speaker talked to in New York?
A .He is a fool B. He is impolite
C. He was not an English speaker
第三节 (共3小题,每小题1.5分,满分4.5分) 本段材料读两遍
The way to celebrate one’s birthday
Common way: To hold 18 ,at which friends 19 to have fun..
More 20 ways: To buy some flowers, or cook meals for mothers.
第二部分 • 英语知识运用 (共两节)
第一节 单项填空 (共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
21.– Would you mind if I kept the window closed?
-- ______ . I also feel a little cold.
A.Certainly B.Certainly not C.Of course D.I like so
22.Though well known _____ a writer, he is best known _____his musical talent.
A.for; as B.from; for C.as; for D.as; as
23.I know the reason ____ Eric didn’t want to tell his parents ____ had happened.
A. why; what B. that; which C. why; how D. which; that
24.______, the less nervous you will feel in job interviews.
A.You know yourself more B.You know yourself most
C.The more you know yourself D.The most you know yourself
25.The Browns used to live in Paris, _____ they?
A. wouldn’t B. hadn’t C. weren’t D. didn’t
26.This story is well worth___________.
A. to read B. being read C. to be reading D. reading

  • flightn. 飞行,航班 n. 奇思妙想,一段楼梯 n.
  • planeadj. 平的,与飞机有关的 n. 飞机,水平,水准,刨
  • conversationn. 会话,谈话
  • celebratev. 庆祝,庆贺,颂扬
  • exchangen. 交换,兑换,交易所 v. 交换,兑换,交易
  • spokev. 说,说话,演说