日期:2013-10-18 17:39



第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)
1.Where is the woman going now ?
A.To the school. B.To the shop. C.To her friend’s house .
2.When will the shirts probably be finished ?
A.By Monday morning. B.By Monday afternoon. C.By Tuesday afternoon.
3.What will the man do next ?
A.Go to the railway station.
B.Stay for dinner .
C.Catch a train .
4.Where are the two speakers?
A.At a bus stop. B.In a shop. C.In a hospital.
5.What is the man doing?
A.He is buying plane tickets to Europe.
B.He is sending some postcards.
C.He is asking about his mail.
6.Where does the conversation most probably take place ?
A.In a park. B.At a restaurant. C.In an office .
7.What does the woman do ?
A.She works for IBM.
B.She is a teacher at Harvard.
C.She is a student at Harvard .
8.What does the woman want to do in the evening ?
A.Stay at home. B.Hold a dinner party. C.Have a drink.
9.What does the man think people should do at the weekend ?
A.Rest and have fun. B.Have a good sleep. C.Take some exercise .
10.How does the woman feel about the man’s plan for this Saturday ?
A.She is very satisfied. B.She is pretty sad. C.She is a little angry.
11.What are the speakers talking about ?
A.Supplies for school. B.Computer games. C.Financial problems .
12.What does the girl want to buy now ?
A.Pencils. B.A computer. C.An eraser .
13.What can we learn from the conversation ?
A.The girl studies very hard.
B.The speakers will go shopping tomorrow.
C.The father finally gave in to his daughter .
14.What is the woman ?
A.An actress. B.A secretary. C.A typist .
15.What is the relationship between the two speakers ?
A.Husband and wife.
B.Interviewer and interviewee.
C.Actor and actress.
16.What can we know from the conversation ?
A.The woman will be a secretary .
B.The woman made a mistake .
C.The man is satisfied with the woman .
17.Where does Mrs.Cox probably come from ?
A.Germany. B.American. C.India.
18.How many years has Mrs.Cox been teaching in the high school ?
A.5 years. B.6 years. C.8 years

  • conversationn. 会话,谈话
  • planeadj. 平的,与飞机有关的 n. 飞机,水平,水准,刨