听力万花筒 第176期:利比亚不满美国突袭基地 国务卿克里辩称抓捕合法
日期:2013-10-08 12:58


Kerry Defends Terror Suspect's Capture

The US secretary of state brushes off Libyan complaints, saying the suspect seized in Tripoli is a "legal and appropriate target".





Al Libi’s sons act out the drama of the moment their father was seized. They say four cars around his, arm masked men, some of them are foreigners, jumped out.

“They broke the glass window of the car and drugged him, and then they took him out of his car and put it into a white Mercedes.”

The families say this was a kidnapping and that al Libi only fought against the Gaddafi regime.

His real name is Nazih Abdul-Hamed al Ruqa, known as the G World and FBI. But he is * Al-Libi, a Libyan. The New York Time says special forces flew him to US with military alien for questioning. It is not confirmed. It’s unlikely he landed in Quantico Bay because of political sensibilities.

He is wanted over the US embassies bombings 15 years ago. He may stand trial in New York. The Americans insist this detention is legal.

“He is a key al-Qaeda figure, and he is a legal and an appropriate target for the US military under the authorization of the US military force passed in September, 2001.”

C Hill, Manchester, an unlike location for alleged top al-Qaeda men, but it’s thought in the mid 1990s, al Libi lived here. It wasn’t unusual for foreign radical Islamist to flee to the UK. It was just a few years after the British government had supported the MD against Soviet Union in Afghanistan. It was also a time when Gaddafi’s Libya was considered an enemy. Al Libi is said to be granted political assailment by joint major’s government.

Next week, the Home Secretary Theresa May would be questioned on the subject by a parliamentary committee among the questions, why was he given the assailment and could neither al Libi be here now.

TM, Sky News.

  • radicaladj. 激进的,基本的,彻底的 n. 激进分子
  • questioningn. 质问 v. 询问,审问(question的现在分词
  • legaladj. 法律的,合法的,法定的
  • capturevt. 捕获,俘获,夺取,占领,迷住,(用照片等)留存
  • authorizationn. 授权(书), 认可
  • trialadj. 尝试性的; 审讯的 n. 尝试,努力,试验,试
  • unusualadj. 不平常的,异常的
  • confirmedadj. 习惯的,积习的,确认过的,证实的 动词conf
  • terrorn. 恐怖,惊骇,令人惧怕或讨厌的人或事物
  • appropriateadj. 适当的,相称的 vt. 拨出(款项); 占用