日期:2013-10-10 10:38



1.What is the actress’ name?
A.Hellen Mary. B.Karen Marsh. C.Kate Mathy.
2.What will the man do?
A.He will help the woman.
B.He will ask for help.
C.He will learn from the woman.
3.What can we know from this conversation?
A.Dick is very surprised to see his neighbour here.
B.Dick wished to see his neighbour here.
C.Dick is not surprised at all.
4.How long is the library open?
A.8 hours. B.6 hours. C.10 hours.
5.What are the two speakers talking about?
A.The man’s new house.
B.The woman’s new horse.
C.The woman’s new house.
6.How will the woman leave?
A.By bus. B.By plane. C.By train.
7.When will the two speakers have dinner?
A.On Saturday. B.On Sunday. C.On Thursday.
8.Where is the man living?
A.17 Mallett Street B.70 Mallett Street C.17 Marett Street.
9.Which house is on fire?
A.Number 16. B.Number 18. C.Number 17.
10.Why is there nobody in the house on fire?
A.The owner went shopping.
B.The owner went to work.
C.The owner went on holiday.

11.Her husband works in _____ prison and he often helps those people in _______ prison.
A./;/ B./;the C.a;/ D.a; the
12.The rain ______ the beauty of the West Lake.It looked more attractive.
A.added to B.added C.added up to D.added up
13.“Please ______ what you think important in your notebooks.” The teacher said to the students.
A.set up B.set in C.set off D.set down
14.It is so nice to hear from her.________ , we last met more than ten years ago.
A.In other words B.What’s more C.Believe it or not D.All the same
15.He came up to me and asked _______________.
A.where is the nearest hospital B.where was the nearest hospital
C.where was the nearest hospital D.where the nearest hospital was
16.“If you go on stealing, you will _______ your bright future, young man!” said the judge.
A.hurt B.break C.damage D.ruin

  • attractiveadj. 有吸引力的,引起注意的
  • ruinv. 毁灭,毁坏,破产 n. 毁灭,崩溃,废墟
  • conversationn. 会话,谈话
  • planeadj. 平的,与飞机有关的 n. 飞机,水平,水准,刨
  • marshn. 沼泽,湿地 Marsh:马什(人名)