日期:2013-08-28 03:36



I. 听力 (10分)
听下面 5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳
1.At what time does the office open?
A.7:45. B. 8:15. C.8:00,
2.What did the man do last Saturday?
A.He saw a play.
B. He acted in a play.
C.He went to the teahouse.
3.What the relationship between the two speakers?
C.Brother and sister.
4.What is the weather like now?
A. Rainy. B. Cloudy. C. Sunny.
5,What are the two speakers doing?
A.Playing a football game.
B.Cheering for Oxford.
C.Watching a football game,
6.Where does this conversation take place?
A. In the street. B. In the museum. C. In a fruit shop.
7.How can the woman find the bridge?
A.Go down the street and turn left.
B.Go down the street and turn right.
C.Go straight ahead along this street.
8.Where are the two speakers going?
A.To their friends. B. To a lecture. C.To a shop.
9.What can the two speakers NOT find?
A. The map.
B. The way.
C. A bus.
10.What does Jean suggest doing?
A. Calling their friends.
B. Calling the postman for help.
C. Stopping to have a rest.
Ⅱ.单项选择 (15分)
11. What __________ pet dog! It can read English letters.
A. amazing B. an amazed C. amazed D. an amazing
12. The teachers from other parts of the country are impressed__________ the coconut trees
in Haikou.
A. on B .with C. in D. for
13. — Excuse me, madam. Can I help you?
— I’m looking for a house. I’d like _____ with a big garden.
A. that B. it C. one D. this
14. So far, Mr. Carl _________ for Microsoft for 5 years and now he is the C.E.O in Africa.
A. worked B. has worked C. is working D. had worked
15. Students get _________ easily without after-class activities.
A. boring B. bore C. to bore D. bored
16. Mr. Li are very kind to his students and he always avoid _______them stupid.
A. to make B. making C. made D. having made
17. — ¬¬Would you like to go shopping this weekend?
— I ________ go to the library.
A. would like B. prefer C. would rather D. would love
18. — When shall we get together to see our teachers in Junior School?
— __________. Anytime is OK with me..
A. It depends B. That’s all right C. Oh, really D. It’s up to you
19. I often miss the meals __________ by my mom. They were so great.
A. cooked B. cooking C. to be cooked D. cook
20. In 1925, the Afghans __________ a law which allowed people to shoot camels .
A. pass B. have passed C. passed D. had passed
21. I won’t mind __________ your house while you are away on vacation.
A. take care of B. to take care of C. taken care of D. taking care of
22. The Maglev can reach ________ speed of 501 kilometers per hour on the track between Longyang and Pudong.
A. 不填 B. a C. an D. one
23. Christmas is coming soon, but I ________ any presents yet.
A. don’t prepare B. didn’t prepare C. haven’t prepared D. hadn’t prepared
24. Vegetables and fruits _________ much good to our health.
A. did B. do C. had done D. are doing
25. There are ____________ reasons for the great changes in the countryside.
A. the number of B. a number of C. a great many of D. a number

  • borevt. 使厌烦 n. 讨厌的人,麻烦事 v. 钻孔,开凿
  • trackn. 小路,跑道,踪迹,轨道,乐曲 v. 跟踪,追踪
  • boringadj. 令人厌烦的
  • conversationn. 会话,谈话
  • havenn. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,
  • avoidvt. 避免,逃避