日期:2013-08-23 10:12



1. How many women did the man meet in the forest?
A.1 B.2 C.3
2. What does the woman mean?
A. She wants to repair her bike. B. She wants to buy a new bike.
C. She wants to borrow a bike from the man.
3. What can we learn about Mr. Smith?
A. He is not a good teacher. B. He is a good teacher.
C. He is one of their teachers.
4. What does the man mean?
A. He will not open the window. B. The window can’t be opened.
B. The window is already open.
5. How did the woman like the English test?
A. Very difficult B. Very easy. C. Very short
6. What will the two speakers mainly do when they meet?
A. Listen to music B. Review their lessons. C. Practice a Chinese song.
7. When did the dialogue take place?
A Saturday B. Monday C. Friday
8. When was the woman’s house broken into?
A. At about 12 B. At about 1:30 C. Between 12 and 1:30
9. What was stolen?
A. Some jewelry B.A TV set C. Both A and B.
10. Which of the following is true?
A. The woman’s jewelry was all stolen.
B. Most of the woman’s good jewelry was not stolen.
C. Most of the woman’s good jewelry was stolen.
11. What did the woman do last Sunday?
A. See a film. B. Watched a performance C. See a fashion show
12. What was the fashion show like?
A. It was interesting B. It was not interesting C. She didn’t know
13. What will the woman do next time when she gets tickets for a fashion show?
A. Go with her sister. B. Go alone C. Go with the man
14. What film did the man see?
A Gone with the Wind B. Gone with the time C. The Wind
15. What’s the price of the film?
A.36 yuan B.6 yuan C.12 yuan
16. How did Paul feel after he sat down?
A. He didn’t feel tired any longer. B. He felt comfortable.
C.He didn’t feel very comfortable.
17. Why didn’t Paul have much room on the seat?
A. Because the lady was fat. Besides, she had several shopping bags.
B. Because the seat was too small.
C. Because Paul was fat, too
18. How do you know that Paul was very polite?
A. He didn’t take up too much room on the seat.
B. He gave the seat to the fat lady.
C. He let that fat lady off the bus first.
19. How did Paul and the conductor get fat lady free?
A. By pushing her and pulling her. B. By carrying all her bags for her.
C. By making room for her.
20. What did the fat lady think of the help she got?
A. She was not thankful to Paul and the conductor.
B. She was thankful to Paul and the conductor.
C. She was going to write a letter of thanks to the bus company.


  • conductorn. 售票员,导体,指挥
  • performancen. 表演,表现; 履行,实行 n. 性能,本事
  • jewelryn. 珠宝,珠宝类