听力万花筒 第138期:奥巴马取消与普京会晤 美俄关系面临考验
日期:2013-08-11 19:25


Obama Tensions With Putin in Spotlight After Canceled Trip

ABC News' Karen Travers discusses the two world leaders' relationship.

This is a special report from abc NEWS Digital.

I’m Dan Cutlerwith this abc NEWS Digital Special Report. President Obama to Russia - canceled that. The White House is pulling out of an upcoming meeting with Russia’s president Vladimir Putin over a growing list of frustrations with Russia and at the top of that list the recent asylum Onopeni 191 with Russia’s president Vladimir Putin.

Of course we will continue to pod the story on abcnews.com from now on. I’m Dan Cutler in New York with this abc NEWS Digital Special Report.

This has been a special report from abc NEWS Digital.

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