世纪文学经典:《百年孤独》第7章Part 4
日期:2013-08-06 15:01



"Look where this fellow turned up," the captain said. "It's Gregorio Stevenson."
At dawn, after a summary court martial, Arcadio was shot against the wall of the cemetery. In the last two hours of his life he did not manage to understand why the fear that had tormented him since childhood had disappeared. Impassive. without even worrying about making a show of his recent bravery, he listened to the interminable charges of the accusation. He thought about úrsula, who at that hour must have been under the chestnut tree having coffee with José Arcadio Buendía. He thought about his eight-month-old daugh-ter, who still had no name, and about the child who was going to be born in August. He thought about Santa Sofía de la Piedad, whom he had left the night before salting down a deer for next day's lunch, and he missed her hair pouring over her shoulders and her eyelashes, which looked as if they were artificial. He thought about his people without sentimentality, with a strict dosing of his accounts with life, beginning to understand how much he really loved the people he hated most. The president of the court-martial began his final speech when Arcadio realized that two hours had passed. "Even if the proven charges did not have merit enough," the president was saying, "the irresponsible and criminal boldness with which the accused drove his subordinates on to a useless death would be enough to deserve capital punishment." In the shattered schoolhouse where for the first time he had felt the security of power, a few feet from the room where he had come to know the uncertainty of love, Arcadio found the formality of death ridiculous. Death really did not matter to him but life did, and therefore the sensation he felt when they gave their decision was not a feeling of fear but of nostalgia. He did not speak until they asked him for his last request.
"Tell my wife," he answered in a well-modulated voice, "to give the girl the name of úrsula." He paused and said it again: "úrsula, like her grandmother. And tell her also that if the child that is to be born is a boy, they should name him José Arcadio, not for his uncle, but for his grandfather."
Before they took him to the execution wall Father Nicanor tried to attend him. "I have nothing to repent," Arcadio said, and he put himself under the orders of the squad after drinking a cup of black coffee. The leader of the squad, a specialist in summary executions, had a name that had much more about it than chance: Captain Roque Carnicero, which meant butcher. On the way to the cemetery, under the persistent drizzle, Arcadio saw that a radiant Wednesday was breaking out on the horizon. His nostalgia disappeared with the mist and left an immense curiosity in its place. Only when they ordered him to put his back to the wall did Arcadio see Rebeca, with wet hair and a pink flowered dress, opening wide the door. He made an effort to get her to recognize him. And Rebeca did take a casual look toward the wall and was paralyzed with stupor, barely able to react and wave goodbye to Arcadio. Arcadio answered her the same way. At that instant the smoking mouths of the rifles were aimed at him and letter by letter he heard the encyclicals that Melquíades had chanted and he heard the lost steps of Santa Sofía de la Piedad, a virgin, in the classroom, and in his nose he felt the same icy hardness that had drawn his attention in the nostrils of the corpse of Remedios. "Oh, God damn it!" he managed to think. "I forgot to say that if it was a girl they should name her Remedios." Then, all accumulated in the rip of a claw, he felt again all the terror that had tormented him in his life. The captain gave the order to fire. Arcadio barely had time to put out his chest and raise his head, not understanding where the hot liquid that burned his thighs was pouring from.
"Bastards!" he shouted. "Long live the Liberal Party!"







作家写出这一点,是希望拉丁美洲民众团结起来,共同努力摆脱孤独。所以,《百年孤独》中浸淫着的孤独感,其主要内涵应该是对整个苦难的拉丁美洲被排斥现代文明世界的进程之外的愤懑[mèn]和抗议,是作家在对拉丁美洲近百年的历史、以及这块大陆上人民独特的生命力、生存状态、想象力进行独特的研究之后形成的倔强的自信。这个古老的家族也曾经在新文明的冲击下,努力的走出去寻找新的世界,尽管有过畏惧和退缩,可是他们还是抛弃了传统的外衣,希望溶入这个世界。可是外来文明以一种侵略的态度来吞噬这个家族,于是他们就在这样一个开放的文明世界中持续着“百年孤独”。作者表达着一种精神状态的孤独来批判外来者对拉美大陆的一种精神层面的侵略,以及西方文明对拉美的歧视与排斥。“羊皮纸手稿所记载的一切将永远不会重现,遭受百年孤独的家族,注定不会在大地上第二次出现了。” 作者用一个毁灭的结尾来表达了自己深深的愤懑。

  • impassiveadj. 无感情的,冷漠的,平静的
  • understandvt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为
  • decisionn. 决定,决策
  • boldnessn. 大胆,冒失,显著
  • martialadj. 军事的,战争的
  • accusationn. 控告,指控,非难
  • shatteredadj. 破碎的;极度疲劳的 v. 打碎;削弱;使心烦意
  • formalityn. 礼节,程序,拘谨
  • stuporn. 昏迷,麻木,不省人事
  • repentv. 后悔,悔悟