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日期:2013-08-02 09:30



1.Compose(组成) composition(组成,作文) composer(作曲家)

Compose―― composed(镇定的)――composure(镇定)

Composed:serenely self-possessed and free from agitation especially in times of stress

(1)The usually__ CEO shocked his employees by severely overeating to the jocular tease made by one of his subordinates.

(A) demanding

(B) inarticulate

(C) aggressive

(D) persuasive

(E) composed

(2)Not one to be easily intimidated, the corporal remained ----- while the opposing army presses toward his troop’s position.

A. commanding

B. composed

C. aggressive

D. communicative

(3)After Bob had broken the punch bowl, we sensed the extent of his ----from the way he shamefacedly avoided meeting his hostess’s eye.

(A) composure (B) perspicacity

(C) discomfiture (D) forbearance

(E) benevolence

2.affect(影响)―― affected(做作的)――disaffected(不满的)


I hate dealing with large impersonal companies. 我讨厌与那些没有人情味的大公司打交道。



demanding: requiring more than usually expected or thought due; especially great patience and effort and skill

When training for a marathon, runners prepare themselves for a challenge that is both__ and mentally__.

(A) illusory, taxing

(B) exaggerated, balanced

(C) physically, demanding

(D) appealing, indulgent

(E) strenuous, dubious


exhaustive:very thorough; exhaustively complete

MacDougall’s former editors remember him as a____ man whose_____ and exhaustivereporting was worth the trouble.

(A) domineering, wearisome (B) congenial, pretentious (C) popular, supercilious

(D) fastidious, wearisome (E) cantankerous, meticulous

7.fortitude 刚毅, fortuitous 偶然的,意外的

(1)No real-life hero of ancient or modern days can surpass James Bond with his nonchalant__ of death and the___ with which he bear torture.

(A) contempt, distress

(B) disregard, fortitude

(C) veneration, guile

(D) concept, terror

(E) ignorance, fickleness

(2)Although he had spent many hours at the computer trying to solve the problem, he was the first to admit that the final solution was___ and not the ___ of his labor

(A) trivial----cause

(B) incomplete----intent

(C) adequate------concern

(D) schematic-----fault

(E) fortuitous----result

8.Category(分类) ――categorical(绝对的)


(1)The guide’s directions seemed _______ to me; in fact, I ended up where I began.





(2)She was injured and suffered a consequential loss of earnings.


In the nineteenth century, novelists and unsympathetic travelers portrayed the American West as a land of---- adversity, whereas promoters and idealists created ---- image of a land of infinite promise.

(A) lurid.. a mundane

(B) incredible.. an underplayed

(C) dispiriting.. an identical

(D) intriguing.. a luxuriant

(E) unremitting.. a compelling

unremitting:uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing 不间断的

unremitting adversity<>compelling promise

 11.remit(减弱,缓和)――unremitting (不间断的)


13.Consume consuming: very intense 强烈的

In one instance illustrating Metternich’s consuming___, he employed several naval captains to purchase books abroad for him, eventually adding an entire Oriental library to his___ collection.

A. foresight, indifferent

B. altruism, eclectic

C. bibliomania, burgeoning

D. avarice, inadvertent

E. egocentricity, magnanimous

14.exact exacting 要求苛刻的

The owner is difficult to work for, less for her critical and ----- nature than for her ------.

A. exacting ….procrastination

B. perfect …assistance

C. meticulous ….effort

D. carefree …complaints

15.touch touching,moving(动人的)

16.condescend/patronize―― condescending/patronizing (以恩惠态度对待的,参第一讲)

17.halt(停止)―― halting (一瘸一拐的)

By the end of the long, arduous hike, Chris was walking with a___ gait, limping slowly back to the campsite.

(A) halting

(B) robust

(C) constant

(D) prompt

(E) facile

18.haunt(常用的haunt around指经常出没于) haunting(萦绕于心的)

A haunting melody

19.stagger 蹒跚 staggering staggeringly 惊人的

The replacement of reality with selective fantasy is characteristic of that most successful and staggeringly profitable American phenomenon, the reinvention of the environment as themed entertainment.

20.domesticate(教化) domesticity(喜欢家庭)

(1)In the 19th century, when few women were involved in political life and most were forced to remain in the home, the rebellious Constance Markievicz succeeded in___ politics and__ the domesticity planned for her.

(A) obtaining, succumbing to

(B) escaping, subverting

(C) pursuing, avoiding

(D) ignoring, observing

(E) disavowing, enjoying

(2)Because medieval women’s public participation in spiritual life was not welcomed by the male establishment, a compensating _______ religious writings, inoffensive to the members of the establishment because of its _______, became important for many women.

A) involvement with…privacy B) attention to …popularity

C) familiarity with…scarcity D) dissatisfaction with … profundity

E) resistance to … domesticity

21.demean(贬低)―――demeanor (行为)

mock the narrator’s demeanor of aloofness

22.accompany(陪同)――― accomplice(同犯,共谋)

23.agree(同意的) ―――agreeable极好的

agreeable melancholy:令人愉悦的忧伤,日本的樱花散落的情景所带给你的感情就是了。

24.Predict(预测)――― predictable (毫无创意的,特别是修饰音乐或者绘画的时候)

(1) If our paintings of that life are stock and cramped, their colors drab and predictable, the representations of our culture are likely complexity of Black identity. drab 单调的

(2)To avoid being___, composer Stephen Sondheim strives for an element of surprise in his songs.

(A) erratic

(B) informal

(C) elaborate

(D) predictable

(E) idiosyncratic

idiosyncratic: peculiar to the individual 特质的人


25.assume(假设)――assuming (傲慢的,不逊的),unassuming (谦逊的,不装腔作势)




27.commit(犯罪,衷心)――committed(衷心的)――noncommittal 不表示意见的(refusing to bind oneself to a particular course of action or view or the like)


Obsess obsessed(迷恋的)―― obsessive(强迫性的)

Acquisitive (贪得无厌)――acquire

Assertive (自以为是)――assert

Inquisitive (打破沙锅问到底)--inquire

Demonstrative (感情外露)--demonstrate

Incisive (一针见血)--incise

Intrusive (侵扰兴的)--intrude

Restive (难以驾驭)--rest

29.Study ――studious(好学的)

30.Industry ――industrious(勤奋的)

31.efface(抹掉)――self-effacement (自谦)




Once he had intellectually__ the difference between regional dialects, Fernando found himself speaking the language__.

(A) rejected, considerately

(B) grasped, effortlessly

(C) mastered, implicitly

(D) forgotten, eloquently

(E) recognized, ambiguously

35.prohibit 限制 prohibitive 贵的买不起的

The cost of travel to the far east is prohibitive.

36.impose 强加 imposing 壮丽的,令人难忘的

And the good master, without my asking him, said, "Look at that imposing one approaching, who does not shed a single tear of pain: what majesty he still maintains down there!"



  • hauntn. 常到的地方 vt. 常到,缠住,出没(像鬼魂一样)
  • medievaladj. 中世纪的
  • involvementn. 包含,缠绕,混乱,复杂的情况
  • scarcityn. 缺乏,不足,缺少
  • effacevt. 擦掉,抹去,冲淡(记忆),隐没
  • shedn. 车棚,小屋,脱落物 vt. 使 ... 流出,散发
  • imposev. 加上,课征,强迫,征收(税款)
  • demeanvt. 贬抑,降低 vt. 刻意
  • affectedadj. 受影响的,受感动的,受疾病侵袭的 adj. 做
  • congenialadj. 同性质的,适意的,趣味相同的,友善的