日期:2013-07-12 21:07



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) Aray thinks _______ are creepy.

a) spiders and snakes

b) spiders and insects

2) Aray says spiders are _______

a) horrible

b) awful

3) Aray says she feels uncomfortable when she _______ them.

a) sees

b) thinks of


Topic:What is something you find creepy?

Hi, I'm Aray, I'm from Kazakhstan. So the following question is: "What is something you think is creepy?". Yeah, I think that spiders, snakes, they are the most creepy creatures in this world. So I'm very scared about these snakes and, you know, the spiders, they are so awful. I don't know about others, but I myself feeling so uncomfortable when sometimes I just see them.


a b a
