日期:2013-07-07 20:28



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) She mentions ___ dishes as a common spicy food.

a) curry

b) fish

2) She says her nation is ___ for spicy food.

a) overrated

b) famous

3) Festivals are famous for ___ .

a) spicy food

b) sweet food


Topic:Is the food in your country spicy?

Hello everyone. This is Buddhini for elllo.org. I'm from Sri Lanka and I'm gonna talk to you guys about the best spicy food from Sri Lanka. Well, actually, whatever meat it is, whatever kind of fish it is, we love to eat it spicy, so Sri Lanka is famous for spicy kinds of food. Also, very sweet desserts, and for different kinds of festivals, we have different types of sweets, so if you haven't tasted the best kind of spicy food and the best festive dessert, you should come to Sri Lanka.


b b b

  • festiveadj. 欢乐的,节日的,喜庆的
  • havenn. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,