日期:2013-06-21 14:06



1. What did the man accept?
A. The color. B. The material. C. Nothing.
2.Which is the first program the man is planning to watch?
A. A movie. B. A cartoon. C. A football game.
3.How did the woman feel at he man's remark?
A.She was angry the man had not understood her.
B.She was pleased the man had written to Helen for her.
C.She was sorry she was not able to express her care for Helen.
4.How many festivals are mentioned in the conversation?
A. Four. B. Five. C. Six.
5.What can you learn from the dialogue?
A.The plane crashed into the mountain but was damaged slightly.
B.Wood was not killed in the air-crash.
C.Wood lost his life in the air-crash.

第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的时间作答。每段对话或独白读两遍。

6.What is the probably relationship between the two speakers?
A. They are parent and teacher. B. They are neighbors. C. They are close friends.
7.What can we learn from the dialogue?
A.The man is making complaint to the woman.
B.The man is making some suggestion to the woman.
C.The man is satisfied after talking to the woman.
8.What's not the result of the children's noise?
A.The man couldn't work.
B.The man couldn't sleep.
C.The man couldn't the film on TV.

9.Which of the following is true about the summer courses?
A.Students only need to study part-time.
B.Each course lasts for four weeks.
C.Students need to work 23 hours a week.
10.When will the second course begin?
A. On 3 July. B. On 20 July. C. On 24 July
11.If the man takes one course and lives in the dormitory, how much will he pay in total?
A. 350 yuan. B. 450 yuan. C. 500 yuan.

12.Why is it easier for the woman to learn English?
A. She often talks to English people.
B. She speaks two languages already.
C. She always does her homework right after class.
13.Which of the following is suggested by the woman to be a good way of learning English?
A. Reading newspapers. B. Writing diaries. C. Reading aloud in the morning.
14.Why is it difficult for the man to learn English?
A. He doesn't do homework on time.
B. There are no native English speakers around him.
C. He is too shy to speak English.

15.What do you know about Jenny's boy friend?
A. He is strong. B. He is mature(成熟的) C. He is young.
16.What is the man most concerned about?
A. Their age difference. B. Their character difference. C. Their hobby difference.
17.What do you know from the conversation?
A. The man doesn't think highly of Jenny's boy friend.
B. Jenny is a very beautiful girl.
C. Jenny loves her boy friend very much.

18.Where does the speech probably take place?
A. In a museum
B. In a restaurant
C. In the speaker's home
19.what is the kitchen like?
A. It's full of wooden tables.
B. It can hold hundreds of people.
C. It is a big room with a high ceiling.
20.What does the speaker mainly suggest?
A. The home design tells us about social changes.
B. The population was larger in the past.
C. The family kitchen should be well designed.

  • planeadj. 平的,与飞机有关的 n. 飞机,水平,水准,刨
  • populationn. 人口 ,(全体)居民,人数
  • matureadj. 成熟的,(保单)到期的,考虑周到的 v. 成熟
  • slightlyadv. 些微地,苗条地
  • socialadj. 社会的,社交的 n. 社交聚会
  • ceilingn. 天花板,上限
  • cartoonn. 动画片,漫画 vt. 为 ... 画漫画
  • conversationn. 会话,谈话
  • dormitoryn. 集体宿舍
  • concernedadj. 担忧的,关心的