日期:2013-06-18 20:58



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) Fred is _______.

a) a vegetarian

b) not a vegetarian

2) Fred loves _______.

a) to eat

b) meat

3) Fred thinks veggies are _______.

a) tasty

b) nasty


Topic:Do you eat lots of veggies?

Hello, this is Fred from Canada, and my question is: "Do you eat lots of veggies?". I love veggies, I am...I'm... I could be vegetarian, I'm not a vegetarian 'cause I love meat, but I could be, because I love veggies just that much. Why? Because I find them tasty, and I know that they're good for me, and so that's why I like them very much. I love veggies.


b b a
