日期:2013-06-17 16:17



例:What is the man going to read?
A.A newspaper B. A magazine C.A book
1.When did the lecture probably begin?
A.At 8:15. B.At 8:50. C.At 8:05.
2.Where does the woman probably go for her holiday?
A.The countryside. B.A forest. C.A beach.
3.What are the speakers probably doing?
A.Having a visit. B.Looking at a picture. C.Talking about history.
4.What do you know about the speakers?
A.The woman likes scary films very much.
B.The man is going to see the film.
C.Neither of them cares much for scary films.
5.What is the man’s opinion about Mary Green?
A.She is really an unlucky woman.
B.What she says is not always true.
C.She always tells funny stories.
第二节 (共15小题;每题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6.Why does the woman think California is a nice place to live?
A.It has a large population.
B.It has a mild climate.
C.It’s pleasant and quiet.
7.Where does the man probably live?
A.In the countryside of New Zealand.
B.In a big city of America.
C. In a town of California.
8.What is the woman doing?
A.Looking for a boyfriend.
B.Choosing a bodyguard.
C. Interviewing an employee.
9.According to the woman, which should be considered first?
A.Special tastes. B.Good looks. C.Moral character.
10.What is the man expected to do?
A.To organize a conference.
B.To pick up some people at the airport.
C.To meet some people from New York.
11.Which describes Steve Maglieri?
A.Tall and energetic, with beard.
B.Thin, short, with dark hair.
C.Strong, not too high or too short.

12.How many passengers does the bus usually hold?
A.Eight. B.Ten. C.Eleven.
13.What can you do on a fine evening after a day’s travel?
A.Take a shower. B.Cooking outside. C.Sleep in the sleeping room.
14.Why is the man calling the agent?
A.To book a ticket. B.To know the deadline. C.To ask for in formation.
15.What is the man’s problem?
A.He is too fat. B.He is in bad health. C.He needs to relax.
16.What is Spa Heaven?
A.It’s a swimming pool. B.It’s a recreation center. C.It’s a place for yoga classes.
17.What can we know from the conversation?
A.A swim costs 10 dollars.
B.Non-members can use the facilities free.
C.The Special offer period ends at the end of this year.
18.Which is the first stop of their visit today?
A.The Central Park Zoo. B.Patrick’s Cathedral. C.Chrysler Building.
19.When was Patrick’s Cathedral(大教堂)built?
A.In 1903. B.In 1931. C.In 1879.
20.Which of the places are the visitors allowed to stay for fifty minutes?
A.Grand Central Station. B.Empire State Building. C.Rockefeller Center.
第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)
例:It’s so nice to hear from her again, , we last met more than thirty years ago.
A.What’s more B.That’s to say C.In other words D.Believe it or not
21.Have you read today’s news? The price of houses has slightly gone down.
A.the, the B.不填,the C.the,不填 D.不填,不填
22.—Where is the tin-opener?
—Oh I it earlier…Here it !
A.see, is B.saw; was C.saw; is D.see; was
23.Pleasant music is often played classes to make students refreshed and relaxed for a while.
A.between B.among C.over D.after
24.To help myself get to sleep, I have tried several ways but it seems that works.
A.no B.none C.neither D.all
25.Students should often be allowed to work in groups, gives them chances to co=operate and to share.
A.who B.where C.which D.what
26.After two years’ careful study, we now have a better understanding of the cause of the problem.
A.very B.much C.fairly D.quite
27.It sound like a perfect destination, but it is really adventurous to go there.
A.should B.must C.shall D.may
28.The students will usually have a very anxious time for the results of the college entrance examinations.
A.wait B.waited C.to wait D.waiting

  • destinationn. 目的地,终点,景点
  • energeticadj. 精力旺盛的,有力的,能量的
  • bodyguardn. 警卫员,保卫人员,保镖
  • minutesn. 会议记录,(复数)分钟
  • cathedraln. 大教堂
  • organizev. 组织
  • populationn. 人口 ,(全体)居民,人数
  • mildadj. 温和的,柔和的
  • operatev. 操作,运转,经营,动手术
  • slightlyadv. 些微地,苗条地