日期:2013-06-09 20:16



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) Hristo says he has been to _______.

a) Paris and Rome

b) Paris and London

2) Hristo says the people in Copenhagen are very _______.

a) uptight

b) polite

3) Everybody in Copenhagen speaks _______.

a) English

b) Finnish


Topic:What is your favorite city in Europe?

Hello, I'm Hristo from Bulgaria, and the question is: "What is your favorite city in Europe?". I have traveled around Europe, and I have been to Paris and London, but one of my favorite cities is Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark. The city has beautiful architecture and is very clean. Also, the people are very polite and interesting. Everybody speaks English. I just had a really good time in Copenhagen.


b b a
