日期:2013-05-30 17:11



1. What does the woman suggest?
A. They don't have to go to the concert.
B. His brother will let them use the car.
C.The bus is fine with them.
2. On which days next week will the man have examinations?
A. Every day except Thursday.
B. Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
C. Monday, Tuesday and Friday.
3. How long did it take the woman to write her paper?
A. Less than an hour and a half.
B. Not more than half an hour.
C. More than an hour and a half.
4. Why is the woman moving?
A. The present room is too expensive.
B. She needs a quieter place.
C. She doesn't like to listen to the radio.
5. What will probably happen to the woman?
A. Miss her train B. Catch her train C. Cancel her train
6. When will Miss Grace leave?
A. This afternoon. B. This Sunday. C. Next week.
7. What must the woman do first?
A. Go to school B. Go to hospital. C. Go to the party.
8. What are the man and the woman talking about?
A. Mr. Brown's son B. Mrs. Down's son. C. Mike's school.
9. How long does Mike stay with his classmates a day?
A. About 8 hours B. About 6 hours. C. At least 10 hours.
10. How does Mike usually go to school?
A. By bus B. In his father's car. C. On foot.
11. What is relationship between the people?
A. Headmaster and teacher. B. Teacher and student. C. Father and daughter.
12. What reason did the woman give for being late yesterday?
A. She visited her grandfather.
B. She was ill and went to the hospital.
C. Her alarm clock didn't work and the bus broke down.

  • exceptvt. 除,除外 prep. & conj. 除了 ..
  • concertn. 音乐会,一致,和谐 vt. 制定计划,通过协商达成
  • gracen. 优美,优雅,恩惠 vt. 使荣耀,使优美