世纪文学经典:《百年孤独》第1章Part 3
日期:2013-05-24 17:21



"It's the smell of the devil," she said.
"Not at all," Melquíades corrected her. "It has been proven that the devil has sulphuric properties and this is just a little corrosive sublimate."
Always didactic, he went into a learned exposition of the diabolical properties of cinnabar, but úrsula paid no attention to him, although she took the children off to pray. That biting odor would stay forever in her mind linked to the memory of Melquíades.
The rudimentary laboratory-in addition to a profusion of pots, funnels, retorts, filters, and sieves-was made up of a primitive water pipe, a glass beaker with a long, thin neck, a reproduction of the philosopher's egg, and a still the gypsies themselves had built in accordance with modern descriptions of the three-armed alembic of Mary the Jew. Along with those items, Melquíades left samples of the seven metals that corresponded to the seven planets, the formulas of Moses and Zosimus for doubling the quantity of gold, and a set of notes and sketches concerning the processes of the Great Teaching that would permit those who could interpret them to undertake the manufacture of the philosopher's stone. Seduced by the simplicity of the formulas to double the quantity of gold, José Arcadio Buendía paid court to úrsula for several weeks so that she would let him dig up her colonial coins and increase them by as many times as it was possible to subdivide mercury. úrsula gave in, as always, to her husband's unyielding obstinacy. Then José Arcadio Buendía threw three doubloons into a pan and fused them with copper filings, orpiment, brimstone, and lead. He put it all to boil in a pot of castor oil until he got a thick and pestilential syrup which was more like common caramel than valuable gold. In risky and desperate processes of distillation, melted with the seven planetary metals, mixed with hermetic mercury and vitriol of Cyprus, and put back to cook in hog fat for lack of any radish oil, úrsula's precious inheritance was reduced to a large piece of burnt hog cracklings that was firmly stuck to the bottom of the pot.







作家写出这一点,是希望拉丁美洲民众团结起来,共同努力摆脱孤独。所以,《百年孤独》中浸淫着的孤独感,其主要内涵应该是对整个苦难的拉丁美洲被排斥现代文明世界的进程之外的愤懑[mèn]和抗议,是作家在对拉丁美洲近百年的历史、以及这块大陆上人民独特的生命力、生存状态、想象力进行独特的研究之后形成的倔强的自信。这个古老的家族也曾经在新文明的冲击下,努力的走出去寻找新的世界,尽管有过畏惧和退缩,可是他们还是抛弃了传统的外衣,希望溶入这个世界。可是外来文明以一种侵略的态度来吞噬这个家族,于是他们就在这样一个开放的文明世界中持续着“百年孤独”。作者表达着一种精神状态的孤独来批判外来者对拉美大陆的一种精神层面的侵略,以及西方文明对拉美的歧视与排斥。“羊皮纸手稿所记载的一切将永远不会重现,遭受百年孤独的家族,注定不会在大地上第二次出现了。” 作者用一个毁灭的结尾来表达了自己深深的愤懑。

  • distillationn. 蒸馏
  • valuableadj. 贵重的,有价值的 n. (pl.)贵重物品
  • desperateadj. 绝望的,不顾一切的
  • profusionn. 丰多,大量,浪费
  • planetaryadj. 行星的,有轨道的
  • reproductionn. 再现,复制,生殖,幼树
  • didacticadj. 教诲的,说教的
  • filingsn. 锉屑;锉末
  • meltedadj. 融化的;溶解的 v. 融化;溶解(melt的过
  • hermeticadj. 密封的,与外界隔绝的 adj. 深奥的 adj