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诺贝尔文学经典:《宠儿》第1章Part 23
日期:2013-05-22 15:48



It began as a little girl's houseplay, but as her desires changed, so did the play. Quiet, primate andcompletely secret except for the noisome cologne signal that thrilled the rabbits before it confusedthem. First a playroom (where the silence was softer), then a refuge (from her brothers' fright),soon the place became the point. In that bower, closed off from the hurt of the hurt world, Denver'simagination produced its own hunger and its own food, which she badly needed because lonelinesswore her out. Wore her out. Veiled and protected by the live green walls, she felt ripe and clear,and salvation was as easy as a wish.
Once when she was in the boxwood, an autumn long before Paul D moved into the house with hermother, she was made suddenly cold by a combination of wind and the perfume on her skin. Shedressed herself, bent down to leave and stood up in snowfall: a thin and whipping snow very likethe picture her mother had painted as she described the circumstances of Denver's birth in a canoestraddled by a whitegirl for whom she was named.
Shivering, Denver approached the house, regarding it, as she always did, as a person rather than astructure. A person that wept, sighed, trembled and fell into fits. Her steps and her gaze were the cautious ones of a child approaching a nervous, idle relative (someone dependent but proud). Abreastplate of darkness hid all the windows except one. Its dim glow came from Baby Suggs'room. When Denver looked in, she saw her mother on her knees in prayer, which was not unusual.What was unusual (even for a girl who had lived all her life in a house peopled by the livingactivity of the dead) was that a white dress knelt down next to her mother and had its sleeve aroundher mother's waist. And it was the tender embrace of the dress sleeve that made Denver rememberthe details of her birth — that and the thin, whipping snow she was standing in, like the fruit ofcommon flowers. The dress and her mother together looked like two friendly grown-up women —one (the dress) helping out the other. And the magic of her birth, is miracle in fact, testified to that friendliness as did her own name.
开头只是一个小女孩的过家家,然而随着她欲望的改变,游戏也变了样。又安静、又幽僻,如果不是刺鼻的香水气味先吸引、继而又熏晕了那些兔子,那里也是完全隐秘的。它先是一间游戏室(那儿的寂静比别处更柔和),然后是个避难所(为了躲开哥哥们的恐惧),再过不久,那个地方 本身成了目的地。在那间凉亭里,与受伤的世界的伤害彻底隔绝,丹芙的想象造出了它自己的饥饿和它自己的食物,她迫切地需要它们,因为她被孤独苦苦纠缠。苦苦纠缠。在生机勃勃的绿墙的遮蔽和保护下,她感到成熟、清醒,而拯救就如同愿望一样唾手可得。






  • noisomeadj. 恶臭的,令人不快的,有害的
  • tenderadj. 温柔的,嫩的,脆弱的 ,亲切的,敏感的,未成熟
  • signaln. 信号,标志 v. (发信号)通知、表示 adj.
  • cautiousadj. 十分小心的,谨慎的
  • dimadj. 暗淡的,模糊的,笨的 v. 使暗淡,使失去光泽
  • perfumen. 香水,香气 vt. 使香气弥漫
  • silencen. 沉默,寂静 vt. 使安静,使沉默
  • embracev. 拥抱,包含,包围,接受,信奉 n. 拥抱
  • dependentadj. 依靠的,依赖的,从属的 n. 受援助者
  • unusualadj. 不平常的,异常的