日期:2013-05-22 14:57



1.Where are the speakers probably going?
A.To a gymnasium. B.To a restaurant. C.To a beach.
2.What does the man suggest the woman do?
A.Have a monthly spending plan.
B.Save some money each month.
C.Spend money once a month.
3.Where does the conversation probably take place?
A.In a bank. B.In a hotel. C.In a store.
4.Why is the woman waiting to order her card?
A.She will have a new phone number.
B.She will be getting a new address.
C.She can’t decide which color to ch006e.
5.What are the speakers mainly talking about?
A.Kinds of drinks. B.Tourist attractions. C.The art exhibition.
6.What does the woman collect?
A.Horses. B.Giraffes. C.Elephants.
7.What does the man think of the woman’s collection?
A.Normal. B.Strange. C.Attractive.
8.What do we know about the man ?
A.He doesn’t like fire dancing.
B.He will perform for the woman next.
C.He practises dancing every weekend.
9.What day is it today?
A.Monday. B.Saturday. C.Sunday.
10.How did the woman go to the office?
A.By taxi. B.By bus. C.By car.
11.What happened to the woman when she arrived home?
A.Someone broke the window of her house.
B.She didn’t get in her house until night.
C.She found she forgot to take the keys.
12.What happened to the man?
A.He dropped English. B.He failed his exam. C.He lost his MP3.
13.What mainly worries the man?
A.Applying for credit. B.Studying English well.
C.Getting school fees for the next year•
14.What does the woman suggest the man do finally?
A.Buy a cell phone. B.Relax his attention. C.Concentrate on studying
15.Where does the conversation most probably take place?
A.In a school. B.On the phone. C.In a police station.
16.How long has Kathy been away from home?
A.For 7 hours. B.For 8 hours. C.For 9 hours.
17.What color is Kathy’s coat?
A.Brown. B.Yellow. C.Black.
18.What is the record of the speaker’s non-stop driving?
A.10 hours. B.15 hours. C.20 hours.
19.What does the speaker complain about?
A.Bad drivers. B.Bad weather. C.Bad salary.
20.What does the speaker think of his job?
A.Boring. B.Useful. C.Exciting.

  • attractiveadj. 有吸引力的,引起注意的
  • collectionn. 收集,收取,聚集,收藏品,募捐
  • celln. 细胞,电池,小组,小房间,单人牢房,(蜂房的)巢室
  • creditn. 信用,荣誉,贷款,学分,赞扬,赊欠,贷方 (复)c
  • boringadj. 令人厌烦的
  • collectv. 收集,聚集 v. 推论 adv. 接收者付款
  • conversationn. 会话,谈话
  • exhibitionn. 展示,展览
  • addressn. 住址,致词,讲话,谈吐,(处理问题的)技巧 vt.
  • concentratev. 集中,专心,浓缩 n. 浓缩物