听力万花筒 第62期:布拉德-皮特支持朱莉切除乳腺
日期:2013-05-16 15:41


Brad Pitt 'Emotional' About Jolie's Mastectomy
Pitt says it was "very important" for Jolie to share her story and for others to understand "it doesn't have to be a scary thing".


In her partner's words it's been an emotional and beautifully imspiring few months, Brad Pitt paied tribute to Angelina Jolie for the decisions she took and for making her private struggle public. It's such a wonderful relief to come through this he said, and not have a spectre hanging over our heads, to know that that's not going to be something that's going to affect us, my most proudest thing is our family, this isn't going to get that.
What's most remarkable he says is that she made trips like this one to the Democratic Republic of Congo while going through the process of a double mastectomy, her decision to revealing to the world has done what she hoped, it's got everyone talking.
I went through treatment with galls in the early 20s i had this, so for Angelina to come out and do this, she is so brave and is going to help so many women.
At the Beverly hill's medical centre where Jolie was treated, the media presence is a testament to her power to raise awareness of an issue, especially one so personal, and the doctors here have praised her decision.
The Pink Lotus breast centre applauds Angelina Jolie's bold choices regarding her BRCA mutation, and we hope that the awareness she is raising around the world will save countless lives.
Jolie said she didn't want her children to lose their mother as she had done, two years ago she spoke of that relationship.
She is the most generous loving, she is a bit of me.
And doctors have echoed Jolie's words that a woman's femininity can remain intact.
I feel as though in the past when women thought of having mastectomy, they were really thinking having the visions of disfiguring surgery, and i think it's important to know that this is not disfiguring surgery like it's used to be in the past.
Brad Pitt says what she has done is making a heroic decision for her and her family and maybe also for women around the world.
Grad Milon, Sky New, Los Angeles.

  • partnern. 搭档,伙伴,合伙人 v. 同 ... 合作,做 .
  • tributen. 贡品,颂词,称赞,(表示敬意的)礼物
  • reliefn. 减轻,解除,救济(品), 安慰,浮雕,对比 adj
  • emotionaladj. 感情的,情绪的
  • awarenessn. 认识,意识,了解
  • heroicadj. 英雄的,英勇的,巨大的
  • affectvt. 影响,作用,感动
  • generousadj. 慷慨的,宽宏大量的,丰盛的,味浓的
  • spokev. 说,说话,演说
  • revealingadj. 有启迪作用的,透露内情的,袒露身体的 动词re