听力万花筒 第60期:英国会退出欧盟吗?
日期:2013-05-13 19:15


EU Membership: MPs Bid To Force Vote

As the PM continues to struggle to rein in his party over Europe, eurosceptic Tories try to bring forward an in/out referendum.


MPs flexing their muscles does make a difference. And I think that we need to encourage the Prime Minister as much as possible to understand that it is important to the British people that they have the opportunity, they were given a very simple question to go in, yes or no. They need a very simple question to exit yes or no. And we’d like them to have that as soon as possible.

Yes, so exactly, how soon? He said you could have a straight-off length election, frankly, that’s sued, I mean, that’s 2 years.

People will not believe that we are going to offer them a referendum after the next election. There’s no guarantee that we will win the next election, they certainly won’t get it from Labor, and so we think it’s important that in our 5 years in government, we leave the British people with something that is momentous, and it will be right to govern their own country, to have the 53 million pounds back per day that we sent to Europe, for us to be able to enter into trade agreements with the rest of the world with countries like India and Japan, and China, and not the failing European countries which we’re shackled to at the moment. The British people want that decision, to be able to say that. And we got to give them opportunity.

And you really think, you know, we’ve got 2 years from next election, you want to referendum in that 2 years?

There’s absolutely no reason why a vote cannot be taken next week and a promise cannot be made. You know, we had a referendum, sorry, we had a referendum on AV, on the note of AV, that was decided on a referendum as put to the British people within 6 months. This is no more complicated and no different to that. Article 50 means that there will be 2 years afterwards annual A, where people will have the right to review what we have done, but you know, what we really want is for that referendum took plate pace, and to take place now, for people to be given that choice. The elections last week have shown that there’s a big issue with the electorate, they look to us, we represent them, we are in government, we are obliged to give people that choice.

  • absolutelyadv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地
  • electionn. 选举
  • issuen. 发行物,期刊号,争论点 vi. & vt 发行,流
  • decisionn. 决定,决策
  • complicatedadj. 复杂的,难懂的 动词complicate的过去
  • governvt. 统治,支配,管理,规定 vi. 统治,执行
  • momentousadj. 重要的,重大的
  • encouragevt. 鼓励,促进,支持
  • opportunityn. 机会,时机
  • guaranteen. 保证,保证书,担保,担保人,抵押品 vt. 保证,