日期:2013-05-15 16:50



1. Where is Mr. Baker now?
A. In his office. B. In a hospital. C. In a restaurant.
2. When will they probably discuss the plan?
A. Before dinner. B. After dinner. C. Over dinner.
3. Why does the man refuse to look at the woman’s dress?
A. He’s sleepy. B. He’s busy. C. He’s lazy.
4. What do we know about the train?
A. It’s broken. B. It’s empty. C. It’s late.
5. How much is the yellow coat?
A. $45 B. $70 C. $90
6. Which bus will the woman take?
A. T- 3. B. T- 4. C. T- 6.
7. What is the man doing?
A. Giving directions.
B. Making an appointment.
C. Asking for permission.
8. What is the relationship between the two speakers?
A. Husband and wife. B. Doctor and patient. C. Coach and player.
9. What do we know about the man?
A. He had a heart attack.
B. He’s on the basketball team.
C. He used to play basketball very much.
10. How will the woman travel to New York?
A. She’ll take a train.
B. She’ll drive her own car.
C. She’ll ride with her friend.
11. What will the woman do in New York?
A. See her friend.
B. Perform in an opera.
C. Attend a music camp.
12. What is the man planning to do this afternoon?
A. Go swimming. B. Go to class. C. Go to the library
13. What does Professor Smith probably teach?
A. Literature. B. Science. C. Math.
14. What does the woman offer to do for the man?
A. To write a poem for him.
B. To help him with his history.
C. To teach him how to study math.
15. When will the man give his presentation?
A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday.
16. What are they mainly talking about?
A. Job worries. B. Health problems. C. Chinese medicine.

  • presentationn. 陈述,介绍,赠与 n. [美]讲课,报告
  • coachn. 大巴,教练;(火车)客车车厢,四轮马车,经济舱 v
  • permissionn. 同意,许可,允许
  • operan. 歌剧 n. 挪威Opera软件公司的浏览器软件
  • performv. 执行,运转,举行,表演
  • refusev. 拒绝 n. 垃圾,废物 adj. 无用的