听力万花筒 第58期:移民改变人口构成 英国白人成少数名族
日期:2013-05-11 20:19


White Britons 'In Retreat' From Minority Areas

White Britons choosing not to live in minority-dominated areas "ought to make us a little anxious", researchers say.


2011年,31%的婴儿其父母至少有一人是在英国以外出生,比2000年的21.2%有明显上升。2011年出生的婴儿中,父母双方都是国外出生的占了18.1%, 达到131,288人。

The makeup of many areas in England and Wales is changing, almost half of people from ethnic minorities now live in areas where white British people are the minority, one of those areas is the London Borough of Tower Hamlets.

People that are living here traditional English people, they are becoming like, you know, needles in a haystack, so to speak.

I don't see there are so many white people go outside.

In some areas the pace of change is rapid, one of the reasons is because some British people who are white are choosing not to move to areas where they would be in the minority, while others are choosing to move away.

Our family just moved, almost most of my family moved away because of it, they moved to act to break stagnum like the … .

Why is that?

Because they feel like they are minority now.

I just love the variety of the nationalities and the different thing, organizations that people have.

When Trevor Fhilips was the head of The Commission for Racial Equality, he gave this warning.

We are sleepwalking our way to segregation.

That speech was made 8 years ago.

We are seeing as much great concentration in some of the towns and cities and I think that this is something we should worry about. As recently as 2001, the last census found only 25% of the ethic minority population, one million people, 25% of the much smaller minority population then lived in areas the majority minority were, the white British were, the minority; only 25%, it's gone up from 25% to 45% in just 10 years.

The research also shows that some rural areas are becoming more diverse, it is another example of the changes happening across England and Wales.

Steven Douglas, Sky News, central London.

  • retreatn. 休息寓所,撤退,隐居 v. 撤退,向后倾
  • minorityn. 少数,少数民族,未成年
  • populationn. 人口 ,(全体)居民,人数
  • majorityn. 多数,大多数,多数党,多数派 n. 法定年龄
  • diverseadj. 不同的,多种多样的
  • traditionaladj. 传统的
  • commissionn. 委员会,委托,委任,佣金,犯罪 vt. 委任,委托
  • censusn. 户口普查
  • varietyn. 多样,种类,杂耍
  • concentrationn. 集中,专心,浓度