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诺贝尔文学经典:《宠儿》第1章Part 10
日期:2013-05-05 02:49



"I don't know about lonely," said Denver's mother. "Mad, maybe, but I don't see how it could belonely spending every minute with us like it does.""Must be something you got it wants."Sethe shrugged. "It's just a baby.""My sister," said Denver. "She died in this house."Paul D scratched the hair under his jaw. "Reminds me of that headless bride back behind SweetHome. Remember that, Sethe? Used to roam them woods regular.""How could I forget? Worrisome . . .""How come everybody run off from Sweet Home can't stop talking about it? Look like if it was sosweet you would have stayed.""Girl, who you talking to?"Paul D laughed. "True, true. She's right, Sethe. It wasn't sweet and it sure wasn't home." He shookhis head.
"But it's where we were," said Sethe. "All together. Comes back whether we want it to or not." Sheshivered a little. A light ripple of skin on her arm, which she caressed back into sleep. "Denver,"she said, "start up that stove. Can't have a friend stop by and don't feed him.""Don't go to any trouble on my account," Paul D said.
"Bread ain't trouble. The rest I brought back from where I work. Least I can do, cooking fromdawn to noon, is bring dinner home. You got any objections to pike?""If he don't object to me I don't object to him."At it again, thought Denver. Her back to them, she jostled the kindlin and almost lost the fire.
"Why don't you spend the night, Mr. Garner? You and Ma'am can talk about Sweet Home all nightlong."Sethe took two swift steps to the stove, but before she could yank Denver's collar, the girl leanedforward and began to cry.
"What is the matter with you? I never knew you to behave this way.""Leave her be," said Paul D. "I'm a stranger to her.""That's just it. She got no cause to act up with a stranger. Oh baby, what is it? Did somethinghappen?"But Denver was shaking now and sobbing so she could not speak.
The tears she had not shed for nine years wetting her far too womanly breasts.
"我拿不准是不是孤独,"丹芙的母亲说道,"愤怒倒有可能,可是它这样时时刻刻跟我们在一块儿,我看不出它怎么会孤独。" "你肯定有什么它想要的东西。"塞丝耸耸肩膀。"它只不过是个娃娃。""是我姐姐,"丹芙说,"她死在这房子里。"保罗·D抓了抓下巴上的胡子。"让我想起了-甜蜜之家-后面的那个无头新娘。还记得吗,塞丝?老在那片树林里游荡。""怎么忘得了呢?怪烦人的……""为什么每个从-甜蜜之家-逃走的人都不能不谈它?要是真这么甜蜜的话,看来你们应该留在那儿。""丫头,你这是跟谁说话呢?"保罗·D哈哈大笑。"的确,的确。她说得对,塞丝。那儿并不甜蜜,当然也不是个家。"他摇了摇头。






  • swiftadj. 快的,迅速的 n. 雨燕,线轴 Swift n
  • collarn. 衣领,项圈,[机]轴环 vt. 抓住,为 ...
  • stoven. 炉子,火炉窑;烘房;【主英】温室
  • shedn. 车棚,小屋,脱落物 vt. 使 ... 流出,散发
  • garnerv. 贮藏,积累,得到 n. 谷仓 Garner: 加纳
  • ripplen. 涟波,涟漪,波纹,粗钢梳 vt. 使 ... 起涟