日期:2013-04-26 17:20



听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。每段对话仅读一遍。
1. What are the speakers doing now?
A. Taking a both along the beach.
B. Having a bath of sunshine along the beach.
C. Swimming along the beach.
2. Where does the conversation most probably take place??
A. In a department store. B. In a post office. C. At a bus stop.
3. How does the woman feel about the school?
A.It’s not as good as it was
B. It’s better than it used to be.
C. It’s even worse than people say.
4. What can we know from the conversation?
A. Not all of the people escaped from the fire
B. All the people escaped from the fire with the help of the fire fighters.
C. No one died in the fire.
5. How will the woman get to the cinema?
A. In the man’s car. B. On foot. C. By bus.
6. Why did the man look sade?
A. He lost a game.
B. He was punished by his teacher.
C. He failed in the exam
7. How will the woman help the man?
A. Take part in the game instead of him
B. Practise together with him.
C. Hold a party for him.
8. What programme does the woman want to see?
A. Changjing Travel. B. MTVprogrammes C. The football match
9. When does the football match start on the TV station?
A. At 1:00 am.. B. At 1:00 pm.. C. At 9:00 pm..
10. What will the man probably do at one o’clock tomorrow morning?
A. see the programme Changjing Travel.
B. See the football match on the Star TV Station.
C.Sleep rather than see the football match.
11. What are the speakers talking about?
A. Their plan for the coming holiday.
B. Their desire to meet with wild tigers
C. Their dream of renting a wooden house in the mountains.l
12. When will the speakers go on their holiday?
A. In the winter. B. In the summer. C. In the autumn.
13. Where do the speakers decide to go in the end?
A. To Lushan B. To Tibet C. To Harbin.
14. What was the woman’s problem?
A. She lost her way B. She lost her camera.
C. Something was wrong with her camera
15. What can we know about the Shell Building from the conversation?
A. It’s near the Washington Street. B. It’s near the post office.
C. It opens at 5:30 am.
16. What’s the possible relationship between the speakers?
A. Strangers B. salesman and customer C. Repairman and customer
17. Why did Li An go to America?
A. To make films. B. To continue his study. C. To live with his family
18. How old was Li An when his first English film came out?
A. 37. B. 41 C.39.
19. Which of the following films came out in 1993?
A. Ride with the Devil. B. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
C. The Wedding Banquet.
20. Which film won Li An the 2006 Golden Globe Award for Best Director?
A. Sense and Sensibility. B. The Ice Storm. C. Brokeback mountain.
第二部分: 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分35分)
第一节 单项填空 (共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
在A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。
21. ---The boy said he could lift the heavy stone.
--- ______ is no doubt about that.
A. There B. It C. This D. What
22. The doctor advised Vera strongly that she should take a holiday, but ____ didn’t help.
A. he B. she C. which D. it
23. How I wish there_________no homework and exams in the world!
A. has B. were C. will be D. had
24. I hear______money have been collected in your school for the earthquake-hit area in Wenchuan, Sichuan Province.
A. a lot of B. quite a few C. quantities of D. much
25. ---Catherine, I have cleaned the room for you.
---Thanks. You_____ it. I could manage it myself.
A. needn’t do B. needn’t have done C. mustn’t do D. shouldn’t have done
26.Let’s make good use of energy and______wasting natural resources.
A. keep on B. result in C. be opposed to D. appeal to
27. Last year the number of death increased by 2%-5% _______the year before last.
A. comparing to B. comparing with C. to compare with D. compared with
28. Most of the passengers were about to sleep_____a terrible train accident_____on April 28th..
A. who; came in B. if; came on C. where; came from D. when; came about
29. ________seen my cousin for ages,I could hardly remember her face.
A. Having not B. Having not been C. Not having D. Not having been
30. It is______ who______going to Beijing tomorrow.
A. me; is B. me; am C.I; am D.I; is

  • appealn. 恳求,上诉,吸引力 n. 诉诸裁决 v. 求助,诉
  • banquetn. 宴会 vi. 宴请 vt. 宴会,设宴
  • shelln. 壳,外壳 v. 去壳,脱落,拾贝壳 n.[计
  • opposedadj. 反对的,敌对的 v. 和 ... 起冲突,反抗
  • directorn. 董事,经理,主管,指导者,导演
  • conversationn. 会话,谈话