二. 说明教育程度
Stating Your Education
1. Useful Courses for English-teaching include: Psychology, teaching methodology,phonetics, rhetoric, grammar, composition.
1. 对 英语 教学有用的课程包括:心理学. 教学方法论. 语音学. 修辞学. 语法. 写作。
2. Specialized courses pertaining to foreign trade: Marketing principles, international marketing, practical English correspondence and telecommunications, foreign exchange, business English.
2. 和外贸相关的专门课程:市场学原理. 国际营销学. 实用 英语 函电. 外汇兑换. 商务 英语 。
3. Courses taken that would be useful for computer programming are: Computer science, systems design and analysis, FORTRAN programming, PASCAL programming, operating systems, systems management.
3. 对计算机编程有用的课程有:计算机学. 系统设计与分析. FORTRAN编程学. PASCAL编程学. 操作系统. 系统管理。
4. Academic preparation for management:
Management:Principles of management, organization theory, behavioral science.
Communication: Business communication, personnel management, human relations.
Marketing: Marketing theory, sales management.
4. 大学时为管理所做的学术准备:
管理学:管理学原理. 组织理论. 行为学。
交际学:商务交际. 人事管理. 人际关系。
市场学:市场学理论. 营销管理。
5. Curriculum included: Electric power systems, 90; Signal processing, 88; Systems and control, 92; Electric energy systems, 92; Solid-state electronics, 88; Communications, 94.
5. 课程包括:电力系统,90分;讯号处理,88分;系统控制,92分;电力能源系统,92分;固体电子学,88分;通讯,94分。
6. Major courses contributing to management qualification: Management, accounting, economics, marketing, sociology.
6. 对管理资格有帮助的主要课程:管理学. 会计学. 经济学. 市场学. 社会学。
7. Courses completed: History of mass communication, 88; China s communication history, 92; Media research, 90; Public opinion, 92; Conceptual analysis, 88; Content analysis, 90; Advertising, 92; New media technology, 94.
7. 所修课程:大众传播史,88分;中国传播史,92分;媒体研究,90分;舆论学,92分;概念分析,88分;内容分析,90分;广告学,92分;新媒体方法,94分。
8. Courses in industrial designs and related field: Dynamic systems, evaluation and management of designs, systems and control, ergonomics, tensile structures, structural analysis, computer-aided design, applied mechanics.
8. 工业设计及其相关领域的课程:动力系统. 设计评估与管理. 系统控制. 人类工程学. 张力结构. 结构分析. 计算机辅助设计. 应用力学。
9. Among the pertinent courses I have taken are: office administration, secretarial procedures, business communication, psychology, data-processing, typing, shorthand.
9. 在相关的课程中我修过的有:办公室管理. 秘书程序. 商务交际. 心理学. 资料处理. 打字. 速记。
10. Majored in banking. Courses covered are as follows: Banking operations, 89; banking and computers, 90; loans, 92; letters of credit, 90; savings, 88; foreign exchange, 92; telegraphic transfers, 90; remittances, 94; financial systems in the west, 92.
10. 主修金融学。涉及的课程有如下几门:银行业务,89分;银行与计算机,90分;贷款,92分; 信用证 ,90分;储蓄,88分;外汇兑换,92分;电汇,90分;汇款,94分;西方金融制度,92分。