1.Mexican painter Frida Kahlo drew inspiration from her Mexican heritage, where she incorporated native and religious symbols into her work.
(A) where she incorporated
(B) in which she incorporated
(C) incorporated
(D) incorporating
(E) therefore, she incorporated
2.For both his shorter and longer works of fiction, Gabriel García Márquez achieves the rare feat of being accessible to the common reader while satisfying the most demanding of sophisticated critics.
(A) For both his shorter and longer
(B) For both his shorter, and in his longer,
(C) In both his shorter and his longer
(D) Both in his shorter and his longer
(E) Both his shorter and longer
3.The wide variety of spices and condiments used in sausage making including salt and, it depends on the ethnic or regional origin of the recipe, coriander, nutmeg, cloves, garlic, vinegar, mace, pepper, chili peppers, or pistachio nuts.
(A) including salt and, it depends
(B) include salt, depending
(C) includes salt, and it depends
(D) includes salt and, depending
(E) including salt and, depending
4.After serving two terms in the Texas State Senate, Barbara Jordan’s election to the United States House of Representatives, where she served from 1973 to 1979.
(A) Barbara Jordan’s election
(B) it was Barbara Jordan who was elected
(C) it was Barbara Jordan’s election
(D) Barbara Jordan had been elected
(E) Barbara Jordan was elected
5.Since William the Conqueror in 1066, every British sovereign has been crowned in Westminster Abbey except Edward V and Edward VIII, neither of them were crowned.
(A) neither of them were
(B) neither were
(C) neither of whom was
(D) with neither being
(E) with neither who had been
1.The correct answer is D
Choice (D) is correct. It avoids the error of the original by eliminating the relative pronoun “where,” which does not logically refer to anything else in the sentence, and by reducing the needlessly wordy “she incorporated” to “incorporating.”
2.The correct answer is C
Choice (C) is correct. It avoids the error of the original by following both parts of the “both … and” construction with the pronoun “his” (“In both his … and his … ”).
3.The correct answer is D
Choice (D) is correct. It avoids the error of the original by using a singular verb, “includes,” to agree with the singular noun, “variety,” and by eliminating the unnecessary pronoun “it.”
4.The correct answer is E
Choice (E) is correct. It avoids the error of the original by placing the appropriate subject (“Barbara Jordan”) immediately after the modifying phrase (“After serving two terms in the Texas State Senate”).
5.The correct answer is C
Choice (C) is correct. It avoids the error of the original by replacing “them” with “whom” and by using an appropriate verb form, the singular “was,” to agree with the singular “neither.”