日期:2013-04-11 16:48



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) In the city, Paul likes to go _______ .

a) bowling

b) shopping

2) In the country Paul likes the fresh ______ .

a) food

b) air

3) Overall, Paul prefers the ______ .

a) city

b) country


Topic:Country or city?

Hello, this is Paul. I’m speaking for elllo.org. I’m from England. Erm, the question today is: Country or city? Where would you rather live? Erm, myself, I, I do like the city. I think there’s, there’s a lot of things you can do in the city. A lot of fun! You can go out. You can party, er, you can go bowling. You can go to a lot of nice restaurants. But actually I think I would prefer to live in the country. Because I really like to wake up every morning, with the fresh air, and to listen to the sound of the birds’ singing! So I think my answer to the question is I would prefer to live in the countryside. How about you?


a b b
