获悉,美国团购网站Groupon于3月1日宣布,该公司创始人安德鲁·梅森(Andrew Mason)将不再担任CEO。随后,安德鲁·梅森在一篇致员工的公开信中坦承,自己是被董事会开除的,公开信语言十分诙谐风趣。如果你碰巧丢掉了工作,感觉人生是多么的凄惨,你可以看看这位CEO如何笑看失业的。
Groupon CEO Andrew Mason's Open Letter About Firing
下面是Groupon公司创始人安德鲁·梅森(Andrew Mason)致员工的公开信中英对照:
People of Groupon,
After four and a half intense and wonderful years as CEO of Groupon, I've decided that I'd like to spend more time with my family. Just kidding - I was fired today. If you're wondering why... you haven't been paying attention. From controversial metrics in our S1 to our material weakness to two quarters of missing our own expectations and a stock price that's hovering around one quarter of our listing price, the events of the last year and a half speak for themselves. As CEO, I am accountable.
在担任Groupon CEO渡过了4年半紧张、精彩的生活之后,我决定,是时候花更多时间在家庭上了。开玩笑的…我今天被开除了。如果你还在纳闷为什么…那么说明你根本没有关注过公司的新闻。从S1文件中备受争议的统计方法,到财务报表中的重大漏洞,从连续两个季度业绩低于预期,再到股价跌至发行价的四分之一,对于过去一年半发生的各种事件,作为CEO,我难辞其咎。
You are doing amazing things at Groupon, and you deserve the outside world to give you a second chance. I'm getting in the way of that. A fresh CEO earns you that chance. The board is aligned behind the strategy we've shared over the last few months, and I've never seen you working together more effectively as a global company - it's time to give Groupon a relief valve from the public noise.
For those who are concerned about me, please don't be - I love Groupon, and I'm terribly proud of what we've created. I'm OK with having failed at this part of the journey. If Groupon was Battletoads, it would be like I made it all the way to the Terra Tubes without dying on my first ever play through. I am so lucky to have had the opportunity to take the company this far with all of you. I'll now take some time to decompress (FYI I'm looking for a good fat camp to lose my Groupon 40, if anyone has a suggestion), and then maybe I'll figure out how to channel this experience into something productive.
对于那些担心我的人,请不必担心。我热爱Groupon,我对于我们所创造的一切都感到无比的骄傲。在这段漫长的旅途中,我倒在了中途,我愿意接受这种失败。如果Groupon是一款《忍者蛙》游戏,那么我已经在没有死一条命的情况下,一路打到了Terra Tubes阶段了。我很荣幸有机会能够带领公司走到今天。我将休假一段时间以减轻压力,然后思考如何把这种经验运用到更有意义的事情上。
If there's one piece of wisdom that this simple pilgrim would like to impart upon you: have the courage to start with the customer. My biggest regrets are the moments that I let a lack of data override my intuition on what's best for our customers. This leadership change gives you some breathing room to break bad habits and deliver sustainable customer happiness - don't waste the opportunity!
I will miss you terribly.
Love, Andrew
美国团购网站Groupon今天宣布,该公司创始人安德鲁·梅森(Andrew Mason)将不再担任CEO。随后,安德鲁·梅森在一篇致员工的公开信中坦承,自己是被董事会开除的,公开信语言十分诙谐风趣。在宣布管理层变动的早些时候,Groupon公布了令人失望的第四季度财报,其中包括令人意外的亏损和表现平平的营收。此前,已经有多个股东提出动议,要求Groupon公司开除梅森。上一次是在2012年12月初,而当该公司决定坚持让梅森担任CEO时,其股价下跌了两位数。据官方消息称,Groupon高管埃里克·列夫科夫斯基(Eric Lefkofsky)和泰德·列奥西斯(Ted Leonsis)将临时接替梅森的CEO工作。Groupon董事会已经在着手寻找新任CEO。