日期:2013-03-28 17:03



1. What can you learn from this conversation?
A. The man will not be able to sleep.
B. Someone will enter the house through the back door.
C. The back door was not locked.
2. When will the writer’s book be published?
A. In winter. B. In July C. In September
3. When are Jim and Jane going to get married?
A. In April. B. In May. C. In July.
4. Where does the man live now?
A. In Bejing. B. In Shanghai. C. In Tianjin
5. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?
A. Patient and doctor. B. Waitress and customer. C. Wife and husband.
6. What’s the woman going to do?
A. To go swimming. B. To do some shopping. C. To go to the station.
7. Which bus will take the woman to the post office?
A. The No. 3 bus. B. The No. 1 bus. C. The No. 2 bus.
8. When is the shop open?
A. From 7:00 am to 7:00 pm.
B. From 8:00 am to 8:00 pm.
C. From 9:00 am to 9:00 pm.

9. Where does the conversation take place?
A. In a post office. B. In a hotel. C. In a supermarket.
10. How much did the woman’s package post cost?
A. $10.81. B. $10.80. C. $5.94.
11. Which way did the woman get to mail her package?
A. First class. B. Parcel post. C. Airmail.

12. What does the man want to drink coffee with?
A. Cream. B. Brown sugar. C. Powdered milk.

  • conversationn. 会话,谈话
  • parceln. 包裹,一块(土地),部分 vt. 打包,分配