下面为大家整理的是关于Will Eisner的SAT写作例子,文中介绍的人是一位伟大的美国漫画家和企业家,是世界漫画领域最重要的先锋人物之一。这份SAT写作例子可以应用的范围很广泛.
Will Eisner
Will Eisner, a great American comic writer and entrepreneur, is considered one of the world’s most important pioneers in comics. He was the father of graphic novel, a milestone in the history of both comics and novel. He also initiated using comics as an instructional medium.
The comic community created Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards to recognize achievements each year in the comic medium and in honor of his contribution to the comic field.
Eisner’s success greatly attributed to his family. His father, who was a painter and semi-successful entrepreneur, is insightful enough to see his talent in art. Though his mother, a practical and realistic housewife, firmly believed that her son’s artistic talents would never amount to any kind of success in life, his father encouraged him all the time to pursue art and tried to instill in him a sense of duality, a balance between business and art.
With his father’s continuous and strong support, Eisner became not only a marvelous artist but also a great entrepreneur. When he was only 20 years old, he partnered with 35-year-old Iger and founded Eisner & Iger, a comic studio, which turned out to be a huge success.
Eisner is lucky to have a supportive and perspicacious father. He learned from his father not only view of values, but also skills and spirits.
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