1. 同义重复逻辑关系
Because, because of, for, as, since, in that, be due to, given, considering, as long as, if, when, while, so, so that, therefore, thereby, as a result, consequently, accordingly, thus, hence, so…that…, so…as to…, then…
lead to, cause, reflect, result in, give rise to, derive from, result from, portray, present, bespeak, require, suggest, on the basis of, represent, be based on, for the reason that…, rely on, spring from, make, underlying…
49. The commentator characterized the electorate as ______ because it was unpredictable and given to constantly shifting moods.
A. mercurial B. corrosive C. disingenuous D. implacable E. phlegmatic
50. Thomas Hardy’s novels are described as ______ because of their preoccupation with daily life in rural and agricultural settings.
A. bucolic B. prolific C. lugubrious D. sundry E. metaphorical
51. In part of the Arctic, the land grades into the landfast ice so ____ that you can walk off the coast and not know you are over the hidden sea.
A. permanently B. imperceptibly C. regularly D. precariously E. slightly
52. The results of the experiments performed by Elizabeth Hazen and Rachel Brown were ____ not only because these results challenged old assumptions but also because they called the ____ methodology into question.
A. provocative... prevailing B. predictable ... contemporary C. inconclusive ... traditional
D. intriguing ... projected E. specious ... original
53. One critic asserts that modern urban architecture causes sensory deprivation because it fails to provide visual and tactile _______.
A. latency B. stimulation C. complacence D. confusion E. extension
54. Victor gained a reputation for being a ______ because he constantly bullied other children.
A. bungler B. ruffian C. stickler D. daredevil E. naysayer
55. The new vaccine is ______ preventing certain forms of pneumonia and should, therefore, be more widely ______ in order to prevent outbreaks of the disease.
A. required for…constrained B. unsuccessful in…distributed C. instrumental in…reconstituted
D. effective in…administered E. unverified for…disseminated
56. Since the foreign correspondent was accustomed to completing his assignments under ______ conditions, the commotion of the subway at rush hour presented no ______ his creativity.
A. squalid…boon for B. tranquil…obstruction to C. tumultuous…impediment to
D. destructive…demonstration of E. flagrant…benefit to
57. The anthropology professor hoped that his latest book would appeal to popular as well as to ______ readers, thereby earning him ______ in both realms.
A. general…disdain B. lay…attention C. academic…anonymity
D. avid…remuneration E. scholarly…acclaim
in order to, to, for, by, 分词短语, 不定式
58. Edith Wharton sought in her memoir to present herself as having achieved a harmonious wholeness by having ______ the conflicting elements of her life.
A. affirmed B. highlighted C. identified D. confined E. reconciled
59. Having sufficient income of her own constituted for Alice ______ independence that made possible a degree of ______ in her emotional life as well.
A. a material…security B. a profound…conformity C. a financial economy
D. a psychological…extravagance E. an unexpected…uncertainty
60. Communities in primitive areas where natural ______ is scarce must be resourceful in order to secure adequate nutrition.
A. education B. competition C. sustenance D. agriculture E. assistance
61. John Gielgud crowns a distinguished career of playing Shakespearean roles by giving a performance that is ______.
A. mediocre B. outmoded C. superficial D. unsurpassable E. insipid
62. Studies of ______ among turtles are sometimes ______ by the fact that the subjects live so long that researchers retire before the studies can be completed.
A. extinction…enhanced B. longevity...hampered C. behavior…belied
D. mortality…bolstered E. reproduction…confirmed
even, indeed, not only…but also…, almost…
63. Some skeptics consider the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence(SETI) to be _______, even foolish; others go so far as to accuse SETI scientists of outright ______ in applying skewed data.
A. misguided…remonstrance B. absurd…erudition C. plausible…lassitude
D. painstaking…fabrication E. wrongheaded…chicanery
64. In the seventeenth century, direct flouting of a generally accepted system of values was regarded as ______, even as a sign of madness.
A. adventurous B. frivolous C. willful D. impermissible E. irrational
65. Few of us take the pains to study our cherished convictions: indeed, we almost have a natural ______ doing so.
A. aptitude for B. repugnance to C. interest in D. ignorance of E. reaction after
and, 分号,非转折含义连接词(and, or…),平行结构,同位语
66. Scientists wonder what to do with the dead satellites, jettisoned rockets, drifting paint flecks, and other ______ orbiting earth.
A. flotsam B. reconnaissance C. decimation D. raiment E. sustenance
67. Only recently created, this orchid is a ______, a plant produced by deliberately crossbreeding two different varieties of flowers.
A. misnomer B. hybrid C. vector D. curative E. precursor
68. Many private universities depend heavily on ______, the wealthy individuals who support them with gifts and bequests.
A. instructors B. administrators C. monitors D. accountants E. benefactors
69. Canadian Lynn Johnston was named Cartoonist of the Year in 1985, the first woman to be so ______.
A. inspired B. entrusted C. honored D. employed E. refined
70. Some Tibetan nomads used yak butter as a ______, one that often took the place of money in commercial transactions.
A. promotion B. commodity C. formula D. refund E. register
71. The archaeologist believed the coin she unearthed was ______ evidence, unquestionable proof that the site dated to the fourth century.
A. immaterial B. potential C. incriminating D. nominal E. indisputable
72. His conduct at the state dinner was a cavalcade of blunders, one ______ following another until the evening ended.
A. query B. gibe C. gaffe D. tryst E. tribute
73. Geoffery’s corrupt dealings earned him such disgrace that any possibility of his being reelected to the city council was completely ______.
A. ensured B. approved C. belittled D. eliminated E. defended
74. The professor’s presentation was both ______ and ______: though brief, it was instructive.
A. verbose…mundane B. concise…elaborate C. comprehensive…edifying
D. succinct…enlightening E. technical
75. The judge’s published opinions, though sophisticated and subtle, were undeniably ______: they left no doubt of her intentions.
A. unequivocal B. effusive C. incorrigible D. tenuous E. ineffable
76. The biologist’s description of the wolf pack was truly ______, devoid of any emotion or personal prejudice.
A. dispassionate B. insubstantial C. esoteric D. capricious E. indignant
77. The pharmaceutical company insisted that its testing of new drugs was quite ______, more rigorous than the industry standard.
A. stringent B. dispersive C. conditional D. recessive E. obtrusive
78. The strong ______ the professor was able to establish with his students made him ______ confidant for those on campus seeking advice beyond the purely academic.
A. program…an occasional B. rapport…a respected C. confidence…an unappreciated
D. community…an unusual E. ambition…a valued
79. Edmund White is a ______ author: he has written novels, essays, short stories, a travel book, and a biography.
A. demonstrative B. nebulous C. meticulous D. versatile E. metaphoric
80.A model of ______ behavior, Cunningham never ate or drank to excess.
A. temperate B. laconic C. duplicitous D. aesthetic E. voluble
81. The entrepreneur had a well-deserved reputation for ______, having accurately anticipated many changes unforeseen by established business leaders.
A. prescience B. sincerity C. avarice D. complicity E. mendacity
82. In her writings about language, the poet Gloria Anzaldua celebrates the ______ of English and Spanish dialects spoken by Mexica n Americans, arguing that such ______ lends an empowering flexibility to expression.
A. multiplicity…variety B. proliferation…moderation C. ambivalence…focus
D. dearth…depletion E. abridgment…imitation
83. In an effort to ______ the ______theater, the troupe members contributed thousands of dollars to keep the playhouse operating.
A. qualify…obsolete B. salvage…floundering C. exacerbate…defunct
D. revitalize…prosperous E. commandeer…lucrative
84. As of intended to squelch rumors of cutbacks, the company’s annual celebration was as ______ as ever.
A. sparing B. tawdry C. belated D. lavish E. sated