日期:2013-02-04 14:56



第一部分 英语知识应用(共两节,满分70分)
第一节 单项填空(共40小题;每小题1分,满分40分)
1.I _______ the boy to save the money, but he wouldn’t listen.
A. hoped B. advised C. suggested D. made
2.She ate bread and butter for breakfast, ________ her favorite food.
A. they are B. which are C. it is D. which is
3.When his mother had him homework, he decided to have the light _________ all night to pretend he was working hard.
A. do; burning B. to do; burning C. do; burn D. do; burnt
4.He kindly offered ___ _____ the bags for the old lady ______ in the taxi queue.
A. to carry; stood B. to carry; standing
C. carrying; standing D. carrying; to stand
5.Only in this way ______ to make improvement in English learning.
A. you can hope B. can you hope C. you did hope D. did you hope
6.At that moment I was _______ good health and all of my equipment _______ well.
A.with, worked B.under, were working C. having, had worked D. in ,was working
7.He made a mistake, but then he corrected the situation ______ it got worse.
A. until B. before C. when D. as
8.With fewer and fewer farmers _______ chickens, the price of eggs in the market ________.
A. rising; rises B. raising; raises C. rising; raises D. raising; rises
9.My English-Chinese dictionary has disappeared. Who _______ have taken it?
A. should B. must C. could D. would
10.______ seems strange to us is ______ the troublesome boy is getting along well with all his teachers.
A. It; that B. What; how C. It; how D. What; that

  • improvementn. 改进,改善
  • pretendv. 假装,装作 adj. 假装的