日期:2013-01-31 15:59



第一部分 英语知识运用
1. Her grandfather looks much _____after a good night’s rest.
A live B lively C living D alive
2.______you come here last night, you would have met him.
A Would B Should C Could D Had
3. If you hadn’t______in the match you_____it.
A taken it easy; would have won B taken it easily; would have won
C taken it seriously; would win D taken it serious; wouldn’t have won
4. The day we had been looking forward____ at last.
A to come B to came C to coming D to be coming
5. --This is the first time I ____ pictures with my own camera.
--It’s time that you ___ a picture of me.
A took ; took B took ; will take C have taken; took D will take; have taken
6. The brave soldier was will to risk ____ his life rather than ___himself up to the enemy.
A lose ;give B losing ; giving C lose; giving D losing; give
7. _____other good students, the teacher thinks Hank is _____student.
A Compared with ; a more satisfying B Compared with; the most satisfied
C Comparing to; the more satisfying D Compared to ; a most satisfied
8. Was it in 1969 ____ the American astronaut succeeded ____ landing on the moon?
A when ; on B that; on C that; in D when; in
9. __________, so we had to stay at school instead of going for an outing.
A The day being cold B It was a cold day
C It being a cold day D Because the cold day

10. Robert is said _______ abroad, but I don’t know what country he studied in.
A to study B to be studying C to have been studying D to have studied
11.______ I think of the happy old days, I can’t help smiling.
A Every time that B Every time as
C Every time when D Every time
12. –Would you like to visit the Museum of Modern Art this weekend?
A Of course B It all depends C It’s very kind of you D All right
13. I’m familiar with the place as I have been there ______times.
A a great deal of B scores of C a plenty of D dozen of
14. The girl looked at me with a ____ expression.
Maybe the problem is quite_____.
A puzzled ;puzzling B puzzling; puzzled C puzzled; puzzled D puzzling; puzzling
15. He was late ___the very heavy traffic.
A rather than B as a result C due to D because

  • outingn. 郊游,远足,外出
  • puzzledadj. 困惑的;搞糊涂的;茫然的
  • puzzlingadj. 令人迷惑的,茫然不知所措的,莫名其妙的
  • lively活泼的,活跃的,栩栩如生的,真实的