下面为大家整理的是关于Louis Armstrong的SAT写作例子,介绍了二十世纪二十年代成名的美国爵士小号演奏家的故事。
Louis Armstrong
Louis Armstrong is an American jazz trumpeter who came to prominence in 1920s. He distinguished himself by great dexterity as an improviser, bending the lyrics and melody of a song for expressive purposes. No one exceeded him in the field in his times for playing highpitch C and F.
Unlike many great musicians who grew up in a family with musical background or in a rich family that could provide enough funds for studying musical instruments, Louis Armstrong came from a poor slum district, abandoned by his father when he was an infant, and lived at the bottom of the society during his childhood. Under bad conditions, singing had been the only thing that delighted him: he participated in a youth chorus and sang in the streets, and sometimes he sang in church choir. He never gave up his dream for music. During his years in the Fisk School for Boys from 10 years old to 18 years old, he got the first exposure to cornet playing, and was mentored by a trumpeter Peter Davis. With talent and diligence, he had made great progress, and become a well-known cornet player in New Orleans when he left the Fisk School. In 1922 he joined Joe King Oliver Orchestra. Under guidance of Oliver, he gradually edified his status as an exceptional solo performer.
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