小学综合英语 4A Unit 11 The School Bag
日期:2013-01-18 08:09


Unit 11 The School Bag
Last monday,Peter,Patsy John and Annie were at the bus stop.
A bus arrived. One of the boys picked up Annie's school bag.
'Hey!Annie said.'That bag is mine.'
'No,it isn't,'the boy said 'It's mine.''It isn't yours,'Annie said.
She turned to John. 'Is it his?'she asked.
'No,it's yours,'John said.
'The bay is hers,'he said to the boy.
The boy did not listen.He jumped onto the bus.
'Quick!Get on the bus, 'John shouted.'This bus isn't ours,'Patsy said.
'We want a number 58.'But John and Annie jumped onto the bus.
Annie explained to the driver.'That boy took my bag,'she said.
John opened the bag and took out a book.It had Annie's name on it.
'Is your name Annie Wang?'Annie asked to boy.'Oh,'the boy said.
'I'm sorry.' Annie picked up the bag.She and John got off the bus.
Then the children's bus arrived and they got on.But Annie forgot her bag!
Sally Structure
Whose bag is it?
It's mine. It's(not) mine.
It's his. It's(not) his.
It's hers. It's(not) hers.
It's yours. It's(not) yours.
It's ours. It's(not) ours.
It's theirs. It's(not) theirs.
Whose books are these?
They're mine. They're(not) mine.
They're his. They're(not) his.
They're hers. They're(not) hers.
They're yours. They're(not) yours.
They're ours. They're(not) ours.
They're theirs. They're(not) theirs.
Patsy is on a bus.She sees a $5 coin on the floor and picks it up.
Patsy:Is this coin yours?
Driver:No,it isn't mine.
Young man:It's mine.
Woman:It isn't.It's mine.I dropped it.
Patsy:Is it his or hers?
Driver:I don't know. An old woman gets on the bus. Patsy gives her the coin.
Patsy:It's hers now!
