小学综合英语 3A Unit 6 Birthday Presents
日期:2013-01-14 08:12


Unit 6
Birthday presents.Picture 1.
What do you want for your birthday,Mum? Oh,I don't know,dear.Picture 2.
Do you want any cakes? No,thank you,dear.Picture 3.
Do you want any flowers? No,thank you,dear.Picture 4.
Hello,Jenny. What are you doing?I'm shopping.
It is mum's birthday on Friday.Picture 5.
What does she want for her birthday?I don't know.
She doesn't want any cakes.Picture 6.
It is my mum's birthday on Sunday.She wants some chocolates.She likes chocolates.
Chocolates! That's a good idea.
I can buy my mum some chocolates,too.Gogo structure
What do you want? I want a doll.Do you want any cakes?
Look and say.
1.It's Tony's birthday on Monday.What does he want?
He wants a bicycle.
Say and act.
You are at a birthday party.
1.Do you want some sweets? Yes,please.
4.Do you want some sandwiches? No,thank you.
