日期:2013-01-10 18:35



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) She often eats Chinese food with her _____.

a) family

b) friends

2) Chinese food in Japan is ______ .

a) pretty authentic

b) very different

3) In China she would like to see _____ .

a) architecture

b) nature


Topic:What would you want to see in china?

Hi, my name is Erina and I'm from Japan. This is for elllo.org. Today's topic is what would you want to see in China? Well, that is a very good question because I'm Japanese and I live in Japan right now and China is such a close country but IIve never been there which is very crazy. I have a lot of Chinese friends and we cook together and then they cook Chinese food which are very amazing, which are very I very love, so I would love to go to China and go to the restaurants to see what the actual Chinese food is, because in Japan there are a lot of Chinese food restaurants, but my friends say they're not the same. The second thing I want to do in China is going and visiting the temples. I'm Buddhist and I love going to temples in Japan so I would want to go to China and see how different they are in China.


b b a
