听美文故事记六级单词 第11期:9岁小政客(下)
日期:2013-01-04 11:06



Among them are Thomas Saving, a trustee of the Social Security Trust Fund; Rosario Marin, a former United States treasurer; and one really, really young Republican.
Noah will not be eligible to collect Social Security for nearly 60 years.
Noah will travel to a handful of states ahead of visits by the president and will go on radio programs, answer trivia questions and say a few words about Social Security.
Though he is obviously not an expert (and not really a lobbyist, either), officials say the effort is a lighthearted way to underline Mr. Bush's message.
"What I want to tell people about Social Security is to not be afraid of the new plan," Noah said. "It may be a change, but it's a good change."
The trip was a brainchild of Stuart Roy, a former aide to Representative Tom DeLay, Republican of Texas, who recently joined the DCI Group, a political consultancy here with ties to the Republican Party and Mr. Bush.
Noah became interested in presidents as a 5-year-old after a mock election in kind-ergarten.
Today, he has more than 3,000 books on presidential history. He campaigned for Mr. Bush, speaking to Republican groups.
到现在,诺亚拥有的关于美国总统历史的书籍超过了 3,000本qzLQ%c9aOK#yu3。在共和党聚集大会上他发表演说支持布什,
After 27 trips to the first President Bush's presidential library at Texas A&M University in College Station, he scored a meeting with the former president.
Noah plans to run for the White House in 2032 — and he wants Social Security addressed before then.

  • lobbyistn. 说客;活动议案通过者
  • electionn. 选举
  • mockv. 嘲笑,嘲弄,模仿 n. 嘲笑,戏弄,模仿 adj.
  • lightheartedadj. 快乐的,心情愉快的;无忧无虑的
  • socialadj. 社会的,社交的 n. 社交聚会
  • collectv. 收集,聚集 v. 推论 adv. 接收者付款
  • securityn. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券
  • representativeadj. 代表性的,代议制的,典型的 n. 代表,众议员
  • delayv. 耽搁,推迟,延误 n. 耽搁,推迟,延期