初中英语山东版六年级下 Unit6-B:你的笔友来自哪里呢
日期:2012-12-20 13:54


Unit 6 Where's your pen pal from?
Section B
1.Match the countries with the languages.
2a Listen and number the questions you hear.
Is that your new pen pal,Lucy? Yes,it is.
Oh,what's her name? Her name is Maria.
Uh-huh.And where is she from?
Um,she's from Canada.
Uh-huh.Where does she live?
She lives in Toronto.
Does she have any brothers and sisters?
Yes,she does.
She has two brothers and two sisters.
Does she speak English?
Yes.She speak English and Spanish.
2b Listen again and write short answers to
the questions (1-4) in 2a.
You are Lucy.Your partner is Lucy's mom.
Ask and answer questions about Lucy's pen pal.
Is that from your new pen pal?
Yes,it is.
3a Read this letter.
Then write answers to the questions in the box.
Dear student,
My name is Bob.I live in Toronto,Canada,
and I want a pen pal in China.
I think China is a very interesting country.
I'm 14 years old and my birthday is in November.
I can speak English and a little French.
I have a brother,Paul,and a sister,Sarah.
They have pen pal in the United Kingdom
and Australia.
I like going to the movies with my friends and
playing sports.
My favoritr subject in school is P.E.It's fun.
But I don't like math.It's too difficult!
Can you write to me soon? Bob
3b Complete the pen pal letter with the
information on the card.
3c Make an information card.
Then write an e-mail about yourself.
