初中英语山东版六年级下 Unit3-B:你会弹吉他吗
日期:2012-12-20 13:39


Unit 3 Can you play the guitar?
Section B
1a Match the words with the pictures.
Ask and answer questions about the instruments.
Can you play the piano?
No,I can't.
2a Listen and circle the words you hear.
I want some students for the school concert.
What can you do,Bill?Can you sing?
No,I can't.But I can play the guitar.
You can play the guitar!Good.
OK,what can you do,Jennifer?
I can sing and I can play the drums.
You can!Great,Jennifer.
Can you play the piano?
No,I can't.Victor can play the piano.
Victor,can you play the piano?
Yeah,I can't sing or dance,
but I can play the piano.
2b Listen and fill in the chart
with the words in the box.
Tell what Bill,Jennifer,and Victor can and can't do.
Can Bill play the guitar?
Yes,he can,but he can't sing.
3a Read this ad from the school magazine.
Underline the things they want people to do
for the school music festival.
Musicians Wanted for School Music Festival
Are you a musician?Can you sing?
Can you dance?Can you play the piano,
the trumpet,the drums,or the guitor?
Then you can be in our school music festival.
Please call ZhangHeng at 622-6033.
3b Complete the following poster with the words
in the box.
3c Write your own poster for a sports day.
4 GROUPWORK School Show
What can your group do in the school show?
Make a list.
What can you do,Li Xin?
I can do Chinese kung fu.
School Show
Sunday 6:00 pm.
In the music room.
What can you do?
Come and show us!

  • concertn. 音乐会,一致,和谐 vt. 制定计划,通过协商达成
  • trumpetn. 喇叭,喇叭声,喇叭手 vt. 宣扬;鼓吹;吹嘘 v
  • musiciann. 音乐家,作曲家
  • postern. 海报,装饰画
  • circlen. 圈子,圆周,循环 v. 环绕,盘旋,包围
  • victorn. 胜利者 Victor: 维克托(男子名)
  • guitarn. 吉他