日期:2012-12-12 17:44


Unit six Let's play"Bus Travelling.
1.Do it.
Boys and girls!Come and sit here!
2.Say it.
Go,go,go,go,let's go.Get on,get on,get on the bus.
Get off,get off,get off the bus.
3.Ask and answer.
Where are you going?I'm going to Tian'an men.I'm going to Xidan.
4.Learn it.
train bus
car plane
Here it is!Please get off.Please get on.Please get on.
7.Let's learn the letter Vv.
1.Ask and answer.Can you see letter Vv?Yes,I can.
Where's the box.He's between the goats
2.Let's chant.
V is for van.V is for vest.V is for video.V is for volleyball.V is for vase.
V is for village.V is for vine.V is for violin.
3.Let's say.
van vest
video volleyball
1.Listen and tick.

  • chantn. 圣歌,赞美诗,旋律,喊叫 vt. 吟唱,诵扬,叫喊
  • vinen. 攀爬植物,藤,蔓
  • violinn. 小提琴