日期:2012-11-18 19:51


Answer the following questions about the video.

1) Ivan doesn't have _______.
a) a perfect plan
b) a plan to be perfect

2) Ivan says that some _______ came up
a) operations
b) opportunities

3) Ivan wants to have more _______ in his life.
a) focus
b) fortune
Topic:How is this year going for you?
Hello, this is Ivan from Indonesia, speaking for elllo.org. So, um, how is this year going for me? Yeah, I don't really set up a you know, a really perfect well-design plan, but I can say that, well it's been half year already for this year, and there's a lot of opportunities came up, into my life, and I think I can see that I'm getting more focus on what I should do in my life, what is the dream that I should go for, and yeah, I think it's a pretty well year for me, where maybe I can be more focus on my life, yep.
