翻译加油站 第57期: 你的近照 photograph of yourself
日期:2012-11-07 08:08





Please enclose a passport photograph that you have taken recently.


Please enclose a passport photograph of yourself, which has been taken recently.


to take a photograph 的意思是“给人照相”。而a photograph that you have taken recently的意思是“一张你最近给别人照的相片,而不是你自己的相片”。

“照片”或“相片”可以译为photograph, photo, snapshot, snap或picture。其中snapshot和snap,尤其指“快照”。

“给人或物照相”有两种表达方法。一是 to photograph sb / sth,强调“照相”的动作。二是 to take a photograph / photo / snapshot / snap / picture of sb / sth,说明“照了一张”。例如:这位妈妈给她的婴儿拍照。The mother photographed her baby.

“让人拍照”,用 to have one's photograph / photo / picture taken表示。例如:昨天我在颐和园让人给我照了一张相片。Yesterday I had a picture taken in the Summer Palace.

“自拍”,用to have / get oneself photographed表示。而“集体合影”用 to have a group photo taken 表示。例如:他在家门口自拍照片。He had himself photographed in front of his house. 这些毕业生在离校前集体合影留念。The graduates had a group photo taken as a memento before they left school.

请比较下列句子。注意汉语的意思是模糊的,在英语中可以有不同的译法:他讨厌(给人或物) 照相。
1) He hates / detests photographing.
2) He hates / detests taking photographs. 他讨厌(被人) 照相。He hates / detests being photographed.
