日期:2012-09-27 16:18


Answer the following questions about the video.

1) She can read _____ for hours and hours.
a) biographies
b) novels

2) She once read a book in _____.
a) one day
b) 48 hours

3) She did this by not ______ .
a) leaving her room
b) eating or sleeping
Topic:What can you do for hours on end?
Hi, my name is Lien from Vietnam and my question today is: what can I do for hours on end? Of course, besides report, running for the deadlines, I can do what I like for hours and hours and my hobby is reading so I can read novels for hours and hours. My favorite book from my favorite author Sidney Sheldon named 'If Tomorrow Comes' and I remember that I just need only one day to finish that novel in English without any proper eating or sleeping.

b a b
